Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by WEREKARKAT

taking offers on everyone here. also have all ocs on my Alt

Do not offer on anyone with a 'no/bayfox' tag. they are excluded for a reason. 

LF art, C$, pts, USD, or potentially ocs

note; for ocs I'm gonna be fairly picky bc I really want to cut back on characters I don't look at or use. :')

shares would be super appreciated hdfhsdf


Hello! I'm interested in Can, Grat, Gavi, Tone, Ari, and Dax. Would you accept C$ offers on any of those, if so how much?

yeah sure, just a small q, do you mean can (rainbow) or or this one (green)

prices for each of them;;

can (rainbow); 25C$

can (green); 500C$

grat; 250C$

gavi; 250C$

tone; 25C$

ari; 20C$

dax; 50C$

I was referring to the green one. What is your chickensmoothie username? I would like to buy Dax and Ari. Also, what are the prices on Chester, Irvine, and Winsten?

leadingatlas on CS

500C$ each for irvine and winsten (so 1k for both)

and 150C$ for chester.

Sending trade with 70C$