LF: Ref Commissions!!

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by StarriiAria

HEY HEY- Looking for ref commissions for DeviantArt points! Please comment below in the messages section or mail me (inbox) with a link to the prices or list a price with examples! I only have 400 DA points if you were wondering

I know I'm not supposed to be on a mostly inactive account- But I'm in desperate need of a new ref for my mascot


I could do a chibi ref for 200 - 300 pts :] Ik the example linked isn't a ref but it would have a color pallete + anything else you want !!

you have reminded me I need to re-do my comms lmao

Ooo aight! Points up first or,, ?  I'm kinda looking for something similar to this,,


Edit: I forgot to mention the OOC is the has the ref,, just head over to the ref section and it's there 

Nah I prefer payment after, that way I don't forget and have more motivation :> Do you want me to do anthro or feral ? [If anthro then i'm not sure I'll be able to do it]

It's anthro- Aha-

Aw man I don't think I can do it then sorry ! 

Aight! Kk, thanks though!