tell me abt ur ocs!!

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by startle

which FW design/ref should i finish first...

1 Votes annulet
1 Votes 180
3 Votes kudzu
12 Votes sunstrike
1 Votes dashtag
4 Votes sly fox
3 Votes siren
2 Votes kinetika

was sitting here thinking 'man.... i rly wanna talk abt my ocs' and then i had a eureka moment!!

because I am not the center of the universe, obviously this is something everyone else thinks sometimes too.

and i lovelovelove learning abt people's characters!! so.... i wanna know.

if you don't know what specifically to say about your characters, here's a few prompts! feel free to use any/all of them.

1. If your character was a Pokemon, what type would they be? [Mono-type or dual type!]

2. What is something strangers may know about your character, but not some of their close friends? 

3. In a situation where your character is a background character to someone else's story, who's story would they be in and what would their 'role' be?

4. What's your favorite piece of art of your character, why is it your favorite, and if there's some BG information about what's happening in the artwork what is it?

5. Describe your character's story very poorly.

I hope those help and I'm really excited !! to see what you guys say abt your characters

again u don't have to use the prompts i wanna know everythijng....

(and also don't b afraid to spam!!! i dont have much going on anyways <3)


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Definitely ice/flying haha ^^

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1. Probably dark type (She’s really grumpy and lazy :/ but yet is still cute) 2. They may know that Tarou’s eyes can go black but some friends don’t :0 3. Probably involved in Waterleaves Story as a friend but not a best friend ^^ 4. There’s a piece of Tarou in the hills in the sunset which I like, basically just shows her running haha 5. Fighting for the same cat to love with another one >:)

maybe a dark/fire type? based on her colors hahah

and oooooh a romance conflict >:3 those are always sickk

Oooo yeah :0 Haha yeah >:)

1. she is a pokemon muahahahhaha, fairy-type though!

2. no idea!

3. I think in Celeste's story, she would have the role of a best friend

4. This piece! i think its more of her interacting with her best friend Celeste! 

5. when sylvia was a eevee, she met celeste and they bonded throughout the years and both of them evolved at the same time and that increased their bond even more! They like running in fields and such, and they attend battles in Mer stadium sometimes (from a game pokemon unite! really fun lol)

sylvia does not like fighting but she tries her best!

I'm still developing her story still lol

I adore sylveons so so much!!!

also awwww best friends are absolutely amazing just as like. a concept <33

there's a lot of fun stuff you can do with pokemon stories !! if/when you develop it more, i'd love to hear abt it >:D

aaaa ty! will 100% let you know when you post another bulletin like this ^^

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HOPELESS ROMANTICS YESSS.... i love every single one

1. Dark and Fairy!

2. hmm not sure

3. Zex's prob, basically same thing as what she is rn

4. All the Chex doodles I love the dynamic 



my favoirte

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ooooh what abt steel mayhaphs?? :00 or like.... fairy/rock....

she's so cute !! even though she's a bit grumpy :P

are her and dandelion best friends now?? does dandelion also live in the cave, or do they live somewhere else? ^^;

that's such a great start to a story (or like. a very workable one pff) and i can imagine the more they make friends, the more complicated it can get! 

(also did she name the frog...)

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aw i know they don't live with each other but i'm just imagining a scenario of Dandelion coming home from an adventure and then Sugar just has a mug of (tea? hot chocolate?? what do u drink in the tropics....) waiting out for them. like a place to lay ur head?? that's just really cute to me!

and oooh wouldn't it be funny if the frog had a lot of "owners" (like, it's a wild animal and a lot of ppl think that it comes around their place specifically) who all named it different things?? lmfaoo so like two of them see the frog at the same time and one goes "Hoppit!" and the other goes "omg Ribs!" nd then they just stare at eachother pffff.....

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bahaha maybe that's how she meets some of her friends too??

5 Replies

1. Fire!

2. Blaize is very good at remembering the orders of frequent customers at the coffee shop he works at. Like, he surprisingly good.

3. barista or that one mean looking person people are scared to approach

4. The pencil sketch for piece I use for his pfp! I tend to prefer my traditional art anyway, but I really like the lines in it and the softer feel.

5. It all started when I got him. He doesn't have a story.

yesssss what a guy!! :D

i love egotistical jerk characters, they are soso fun :P add to that him being a grumpy barista.... it's even better !!

his design/all the art he has is so nice tho :00

Ikr!! They are so much fun!!

Tysm :D The design was done by BAND1TE and omg I love their designs so much!!

1. If your character was a Pokemon, what type would they be? [Mono-type or dual type!]

 i dont know anything about pokémon but uh???? pikachu maybe?

2. What is something strangers may know about your character, but not some of their close friends? 

idk man

3. In a situation where your character is a background character to someone else's story, who's story would they be in and what would their 'role' be?

the guy that makes dad jokes and is friends with everyone (and always has snacks to spare)

4. What's your favorite piece of art of your character, why is it your favorite, and if there's some BG information about what's happening in the artwork what is it? not including the adorable lil pagedoll in the original image !! love this one bc its just so,, excited hehe

5. Describe your character's story very poorly.

idk just a chill dude who runs a pretzel stand

in my "expert" personal opinion i think he'd be either electric, normal, or maybe flying !! (or a combo of two of em..??)

i love his design tho zomg!! i think we need more chill ppl to run pretzel stands :P

ooh ok !! :0

hehe yes 💖

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PIE BUNNY!!! she's so cuteeeeee

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awwww he's absolutely adorable !! that's SO SAD tho <//3

sweethearts lashing out after bad things happen to them absolutely breaks me every single time :,,((

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I have a character who is a … reluctant antagonist? Is the best word I suppose bahaha; he’s forced to be on the villain’s side.

But he did go evil -> good -> forced evil, so that’s not really the good -> evil trope lmao

I think some big reasons why people are reluctant to make their good characters evil  are:

A. They empathize too much with the main character, and assume they go into most things with the best of intentions

B. They don’t want to ruin the relationships the character has with “good” characters — friends, romance, etc 

C. It’s hard to write well, and may involve darker subject matter

D. Turning evil may be straight-up out of character

Which is fair kinda?? I think it’s probably more effective in a scenario like the one you’ve created, where something bad/traumatic happens and shifts the character’s mental state to a point where they’re willing to actively harm others or whatever ^^;

There’s also the “very convicted of their stance on an issue but that stance while well-intentioned is very bad” thing, but honestly I’m not sure if that entirely counts… because usually that’s in a story where everything is in “shades of gray” so to speak, and while they may be an antagonist to the protagonists they aren’t from their personal POV. (If that makes sense? A war hero in one country is a monster to their adversaries, etc)

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CW// Sexual stuff

1. really not sure but maybe be fighting?

2. Sybil used to befriend younger women at the brothel and look after them like an older sister figure. She also owns a dagger that her mother helped her make when she was very young using stones she found in the forest and shops of Blackburn.

3. The one who provides banger background music.

4. My favorite art piece is the most recent one of I've done for her. (It can be seen in her pfp) And its a colormap I did after I redesigned her since our campaign was starting a new story with our characters. I felt this new design represented her better and gave a more mature look. It's not perfect and definitely not her final design, but I love it anyway.

5. Very young child gets abandoned by father and mother says yeet child to work at nearby castle as lady in waiting. Sybil wants freedom and escapes then helps the horni population. She perform the music until money enough for no more horni work and finds new friends. Goes on adventures and causes chaos with new friends. Kills some people, breaks up some friendships, gives therapy, yk the fun stuff.

SHE'S SO PRETTY..... oh my god... 

A. I am a sucker for pseduo-older siblings or older siblings in general, because they're simply the best

B. DnD characters make for the best stories !!! :D

that's so great though!! i can't articulate my thoughts very well bc it's late asdfgdhjk but i loveeee her sm <33


A. Ikr they are so much fun and the vibes >>

B. they really do with such a open world

tysmmmm <3

1. If your character was a Pokemon, what type would they be? Not very familiar on pokemon but dark type probably  

2. What is something close friends may know about your character, but not something you should assume haven't just meeting them? He's cares very deeply about his family and his sister and he's good with kids (he's a kid in the regular story but in the epilogue that I've spent way too much time on, he's an adult)

3. In a situation where your character is a background character to someone else's story, who's story would they be in and what would their 'role' be? Well depends who it is but he'd probably be the mean one who's also stupid

4. What's your favorite piece of art of your character, why is it your favorite, and if there's some BG information about what's happening in the artwork what is it? It's not shared because it's kind of ugly and doesn't fit him well anymore but I made this digital painting of him and what he would look like if he was real and I was really proud of it. I don't like making scenes so pretty much all art is just him

5. Describe your character's story very poorly. 15 year old idiot moves into the woods with his sister, he's a rebel and goes into the woods, gets punched by a demon and goes home, town gets wrecked and he has to banish the demon back to hell. Then flash forward a ton of stuff happens and all of it is very boring but I love it.

TW: mentions of heaven and hell 

1. If your character was a Pokemon, what type would they be? Dark type again 

2. I'm just gonna describe him. He's a sleazy car salesman who lies about stuff and scams people, and he has this girlfriend who's really nice and he loves her a lot, then he dies and goes to hell and then his gf also dies but she goes to heaven, then she's like no I can't let you be tortured or whatever so go to this in between place where they can be together. But Mori/Marty still wants to get into heaven so his gf can go to heaven because she refuses to go without him. Through the story he becomes a better person by meeting people and talking to people and realizing how much he really sucks and has to come to terms with the fact that all of the problems in his life were caused by his inability to recognize his shortcomings. Then he gets into heaven just because I'm a sucker for a happy ending, even thought he probably doesn't deserve it. 

3. In a situation where your character is a background character to someone else's story, who's story would they be in and what would their 'role' be? I don't know what the word is but  like an antagonist in the way that he gets in the way of the protag's goals, but his goals aren't that different, he's just stupid. 

4. What's your favorite piece of art of your character, why is it your favorite, and if there's some BG information about what's happening in the artwork what is it? probably this one just because I just like it, his eyes are funky that's the best part. Also his girlfriend's eyes have a bit of blue in them and he has a bit of orange in his eyes so it's like flip flop and I think that's really cute. I know this guy sucks but I love him. 

5. Describe your character's story very poorly. Idiot goes to hell for being an ass, becomes less of an ass and gets into heaven, that's basically it

!!!! that story is SO CUTE oh my god

honestly i'm a sucker for someone making someone else better thru romance <33 i know it can be problematic in some circumstances, but esp in ones like this where they change of their own free will they're just !!! amazing ;;w;;

also i never get tired of redemption arcs adsfghjk

Awww Nate is absolutely adorable!! i love the contrast of his bright clothes with his grumpy personality :P

also, characters who love/are good with kids are the absolute BEST regardless of context

Also even better, he moved in with his sister and takes care of her kids while she and her wife are busy with work, he's the cool uncle B]


in love with that omg

1. He would be a ground-normal or maybe dark-grass? :00

Edgy boi thats sometimes not and uh.. gambling ✨ It would be his whole living if they weren't rich :')

based off of appearances I'd say ground-normal!! i love normal types...

Gambler OCs and rich OCs are super fun ! honestly not enough people do em in an interesting way ^^; 

I believe in eating the rich but also... rich OCs <33 yknow?

ajccbbefivw YES normalstypes <33

But omg,, tbh, rich OC's have to be my fave, even though he's my only one :'D

right!! they're so fun :D

it's even better when they're sheltered and learn what the real world is like through the power of friendship

ACK you're describing the characters made in heaven omg ;;

RIGHT.. <33 love them 

It's been running through my mind a lot lately so here's random info dumps on it!

Shadow won't hide its personality for anyone. Close friends? Goblin energy. New people? Goblin energy. Shadow is a huge goblin but it gets sad a lot.

Shadow is a huge dork deep down no matter how much it tries to hide it. You'd only know if you're super close to it tho. It's the only side new people don't see.

It loves punk rock but also loves classic rock. When its trying to chill out, it's just Queen and Bowie. 

Despite bring AroAce shadow loves to lay across it's friends laps and lay his head on their shoulders. 

Wears lots of Dark colors but it actually prefers purple sequins and colorful clothing. Wears black because it's easy to style without looking tacky.

Speaking of which, it spends too long planning outfits and changes them at least 4 times before settling on a look.

Makeup is essential for shadow, without makeup it feels like people can see how tired it is because of the dark circles under it's eyes. 

Hates when people thing because of its sexuality they have to keep certain  words away from it. Shadow will press them to say it no matter what because it doesn't make it uncomfortable like everyone thinks. 

Blood makes him feel super nauseous because Blood=Someone is hurt. Has fainted over it more times than it would admit.

If you've read all of this thank you! I love talking about my Oc's and knowing someone listens make me incredibly happy!

Yoo I went and looked at it's profile and is it Twili like Legend of Zelda (?? i think maybe) or is it an original race you created?? Either way that's so so cool!! :D

It sounds super duper sick as a character omg... and very relatable in some of it's habits lmaooo. I, too, wear a lot of dark clothing despite preferring Not That just for convenience's sake. 

Does it have any fleshed out story or friends/relationships etc? I'd love to hear more abt it!! :D

He is a Twili! I love Zelda a lot so many fan characters lol 

Its story is a bit fleshed out but I have to figure out where the story is going. So far its just angst but it gets happier later on

It has quite a few friends

MItzi is its best friend. Met while shadow was a pick pocket and took it in. They care about each other a lot and vent to each other when necessarily.

Alpine is Mitzi's wife and shadows other best friend. They talk about life and stuff. They're not as close as shadow would like but they get along.

And shy is decently close to shadow. They are chaotic buddies. Shy has a very big and noticable crush on shadow. Shadow has taught shy to be tougher and some self confidence.

It has a few others but these are its 3 closest friends. 


Late response but I'm so glad you think so! I adore them a lot and hearing you say that makes me really happy.

Yeah of course!! :D you have great taste in design <33

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nooooo i can't see their design <//3 that's okay though lmaoo!!

characters with personal meaning behind aspects of their design are some of my favs!! :D i had an old oc who was really into laser tag just bc i was at the time ^^;; i think it really helps to better connect w/ your characters!

and "adopt fails" are some of my favorites too!! honestly, no shame in taking the L on the money for a character you really like :D

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i love their leaf sm!! those are.... ok it's a bit weird to have a favorite leaf shape but that's my favorite shape of leaf ! ^^;

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yeahh little kids are afraid of the weirdest stuff lmfaooo

you know nothing abt Hollow knight I think but I want to talk about my hollow knight oc parsley

1. He'd pppppprobably be grass type bc of his name,,, maybe grass/dark?

2. thhhis one is hard buuut maybe how much he cares for his friends in general/how much regret he has :( 

3. HK story probably, they'd just be some guy

4. I like this one aughaudgah,,,, the flowers represent the other characters in the first half of the story (the flowers without petals are dead.... one of them was his best friend so that's not fun!)

5. Local guy is really sad and hates his horrible father and accidently becomes king(?)

He's also acearo :)))))

Parsley my bestie my son. I love my hk ocs in general but Parsley is so close to me. 2nd favourite is probably Crocus though

!!! SO SHAPED !!!

i know basically nothing abt hollow knight EXCEPT for the fact that they always have characters with really cool helmet things :D

if hollow knight things are bugs, maybe ghost/bug or dark/bug or ... etc?? 

I LOVE THAT FLOWER SYMBOLISM..... flower symbolism is sososososo cool

and yess aroace rep!! i need more of em in my characters except i'm addicted to shipping them ;;w;; hellppp....

Oh you're so right on the ghost/bug thing! That also really works bc of the hollow knight lore

I really love flower symbolism. When I really wanted to turn his comic into a story I was trying to like find flowers to associate with each character and Parsley was marigold

honestly looking back Parsley was foreshadowing of me becoming acearo augjdhaugagha I think I remember one of your windfall's crew characters being acearo? (I think I remember reading that on artfight)

yes !! im pretty sure navigator is aroace?? if he isn't... he is now lmfaoooooo

ppl discovering themselves through their ocs is weirdly common and also great every time bahaha

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brooo what an absolute baby!!! :D
i straight-up adore the mixed kidcore and nature aesthetic they have going on zomg <33

boy oh boy I've got lots of little guys to share.

This is Alexandra! She's a 25-year-old lizardperson + dragon hybrid who owns a bookstore and loves sticks/collecting sticks. She's got a very defiant personality and is deadset on proving herself to the world as a capable young woman, just like her sister, who is an FBI agent and her parents' favorite child. Alexandra will not hesitate to speak her mind and likes making her opinions on things very clear. She's stubborn, ambitious, and fierce and is a steadfast and loyal friend to those she knows. She likes reading, going for hikes, and proving people wrong by doing stupid crap they said she couldn't do.

For his entire life, Nigel has been something of a loner and an outcast. He's considered to be frightening and dangerous by most, and is frequently treated as a legend to be tested and whispered about, not the real being he actually is. He's got a soft spot for slasher films and horror movies and sometimes scares unruly teenagers on Halloween if they get too close to his farm, which is his livelihood and home. He uses his axe to help him hunt and kill small animals which he eats as well as chop up firewood to help him stave off the cold during the fall and winter months. He's actually very friendly, but rarely shows it.

Sock Thief will take your socks and put them in its satchel. It's probably some sort of gremlin or goblin, but no one knows for sure due to how elusive the little critter is. Though it has no visible mouth and does not speak, it is hypothesized to eat trash and pinecones. The socks are likely used as bedding or are simply collected, although sometimes they simply hide the socks for others to find later.

And I have more, but I'm unsure if I should share them since none of them have TH pages

Also all of these guys are background characters lmao

1. Lmaooooo u should do a joke video with her and the bower bird audio (the becky lemme smash one?) bc of the stick thing ;)

I really like characters who have fleshed out family relationships! It's so much easier to create conflict that way if you know all of their family history/trauma; and especially if you can explain super quickly through those relationships how they view the world. Alexandra having a bad relationship with her "golden child" little sister is a great way to give her a lot of motivation!

2. Characters with axes.... yessssssss :D

Nigel is always a fun name too!! Does he have any sort of backstory regarding his origin? :0 is he an organic creature, or is he an actual scarecrow?

Also (not to invent things in your story lol) but it would be super funny if he 'adopted'/got a mentor-like relationship to one (or more) of the teenage boys who come to bother him!! seems like he could use the company pfff

3. just a little creachure omg!! maybe that's where all of my socks have been going ... smh <//3

1) her sister is actually older, but yeah, not the greatest relationship, and Alexandra really hates her parents. I'm planning later in the series they're in for the two sisters to mend things, but for now they're definitely at odds.

2) I'm thinking he was kinda frankensteined together and just doesn't remember it? and hehe yeah. Man only has two friends but I might eventually get him another pal.

3) It definitely took your socks lmao

1. aw man trying to live up to an older sibling is even harder :sob: less insulting though....

2. maybe his creator is evil!!!!! ... or maybe they're not pffff

if he was frankenstiened together, maybe he could have been dying and had his life saved by doing that?? and then have to rediscover who he is as a person! through the power of friendship


creator was probably some overzealous scientist lmao




1 Replies

1. Fairy/Flying! Kinda obvious

2. Absolutely LOVES her job

3. She’d be the ‘Cupid’ figure in a romance, as well as the one waiter who pops up in the main character’s usual diner all. The. Time.

4. Gotta be the on-base sketch one with the guns. Idk why lol

5. Waiter not interested in romance herself but loves getting involved with others’

OH MY GOD..... cupid themed angel characters PLSSS YES I LOVE HER

also can I just say (after having read her profile) that I love it when people don't make their characters ultra geniuses?? it's far, far more fun when your character is a little/very stupid :D

does amare have any notable friendships/relationships?? :0 or does she mostly interfere w/ the love lives of strangers... >:3

Mainly strangers that come to her diner. Nothing notable in her relationships

Yeah Amare’s design strikes me as the slightly-ditzy type

That's kinda cute, though!! :D

you know how teachers will sometimes put students who have a crush on eachother at the same table?? maybe she does that with seating at the diner pfff

Totally does that haha

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SHIP CAPTAINS... i adore them

honestly i think doing story/personality first and then designing them works way, way better in terms of getting attached to a character than anything else !! plus connections w/ other characters opens up more opportunities for artwork to draw/commission etc ;)

ALSO AWW.... is it mutual pining/onesided/friends-to-lovers or enemies to lovers?? i rly wanna know so bad :0 i love love stories!!

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zee makes fantastic designs !! that's so exciting!!! 

did they have a meet cute.... :00 <3

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ahhh tysm!!! it really means a lot <33

and a meet-cute is like... if they met in a particuarly cute way ig?? like your classic meet-cute is "bumped into a cute stranger and they helped me to my feet" or whatever :P

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WAUHGH thankk u :,,) im so glad u like that piece Penny is awesome and i adore her to absolute pieces!!

bug/grass fits very well!! but also what abt bug/ghost? :00 since she looks kinda sewn together yknow... 

also also since this reminded me, how do u think she n shimmer met?? fancy youngest prince goes to a "peasant circus" or something mayhaps... 

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okay wait wait i have a very convoluted idea bear with me >:3

1. murder circus would like to murder shimmer. penny is a new hire and doesn't know they murder ppl; they hired her bc they needed someone for costumes desperately and idk there's a seamstress shortage or something

2. shimmer comes to the circus, very unenthusiastic about the whole thing. he's been set up on a date w/ some rich heiress who has a fondness for "peasant activities" and he's not really having it but his mother/father/whoever says he should start looking to get married and were very insistent. so he goes.

3. that heiress?? right. murdered.

4. through a convoluted series of events, shimmer somehow gets convinced that penny is the person he's supposed to be on a date with, and penny becomes convinced that she's supposed to be accompanying him for (??? reasons)

5. the circus now Cannot Murder shimmer bc penny is right there and they need a seamstress. 

6. they actually have a good time, get along, and only realize their mistake after they start liking eachother. eventually, they agree to meet up sometimes outside of the circus or maybe in it and begin dating.

7. ???

8. profit (or, it would be rly funny if the circus has to put up with The Guy They Wanted to Murder picking up their seamstress every friday to go on a ritzy date)

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YESSS secret lovers... my favorite trope...

My favorite character definantly is Titus. He's one of my most developed star wars characters, and i really love his design and aestetic. His past is pretty sad, (its all written on his profile.) he lost his parents and brother when he was young, and hates the empire for it. He's a bounty hunter, and he travels with his crew, fighting back against imperial control. He also lost his home planet of alderaan, and thats another source of anger for him.

awww i love him!!! he sounds like the team dad lmaooo those are always super fun characters to think abt.

is there a particular mission he was on that's your favorite?? heist/assassination missions are super neat....

Thank you! XD

hmm... well, once in a roleplay on scratch, Titus and his crew had to help another anti-empire rebel cell take down a star destroyer to get some shield generators. This was also when I started to develop my other star wars OC, Ross. I really liked that mission because i explored Titus' past more.

yess!! action plot things which call back to backstory are a super great way to get some exposition !!

it's even better when they like... mirror eachother uknow?? but that sounds super exciting !! 

what roleplay was it, if you don't mind me asking? :0 scratch rps aren't usually put together enough for that good of a story so that's super impressive sdfghjk

Yes, thank you!

It was a RP with my good friend, @.Calyypso . Our RP has been going on for a year, (hard to believe, but it's true.) and we've moved from Scratch to TH because of the 500 character comment thing and the new update. And she's a huge star wars fan too, so it's really awesome. ^^

ooooh nice! I think you can do a lot better in terms of story construction when it's with only one/a few people >:P

I don't know a lot about Star Wars, but I'd imagine that there's a lot of stuff you can do with it !! the closest i've ever come to considering watching Star Wars stuff on my own time (i'm... not the biggest fan of sci-fi stuff ^^;) was when I was thinking about the super expansive worldbuilding!

9 Replies

*slams door open* boNJOÚR

we gonna be using my bitch, our beloved gay, the little shit face bcus im obsessed with them 🤭

- - -

1 - minccino because small short fluffy babies

2 - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ill answer when i finish my math hw

3 - comedic relief 100% aster has such a light hearted and care free personality i can definitely see them like looking down at a dead body and going "huh... well... looks like they're dead." and then walking away in some sort of reality tv show

4 - this piece gahhh its a bit old but im absolutely in love with it still , i think it really shows off tatertot's personality really well to show how passive they are and how bun isn't as dedicated to the mission as much as some of their other clanmates

5 - oblivious gay murders murder cat by accident and then gets their eye poked out 👁️👄👁️ and then they love wimin but have a bad taste 😎


yes so true what a baby child <33

also i love that piece too!!! it's so atmospheric :,,) <3

my little baby i adore them 😌

bwaa tysm aster :'0

yes OFC asterrain is absolutely beloved.....

maybe i should make asterrain plushie


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Awww wow that's so cool!! I've always thought that OCs based on pets are great, and it's rad that you have so much art of him :D

does he have a story apart from IRL stuff or no? :00 the contrast between fiction and reality when it comes to IRL-based characters has always intrigued me, it sounds a bit difficult to pull off well :P

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i mean makes sense!! i think my brain would explode if I tried to give my dogs a fictional story as well as their real one bahaha

soso cute tho <33 does tweet also have a profile?

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