DTIAY/Art fight Minigames

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by LeafyArctic
DTIAY Wishlist

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BIlly & Kaity

12 Male + Female Blob + Cat Friends Feral Flower crowns cool 


Kaity and Billy both love talking with each other, They both hug each other a ton, Billy loves to cheer Kaity up, they both love to also sit with each other and talk


  • Kaity and Billy hugging each other
  • Billy comforting Kaity
  • Kaity being sad and Billy's trying to make her happy
  • Kaity giving a flower crown to Billy
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Kuroi & Kaity

12 Male + Female Wolf + Cat Friends Anthro + Anthro Cosplayers Chaotic


 Kuroi and Kaity both like to goof off with each other, Kuroi likes talking about Attack on titan, Kaity likes listening to him talk about it cause then she'll figure out if it's a good Anime to watch


  • Kaity cosplaying as Glaceon and Kuroi cosplaying as Reiner
  • Kaity messing around while Kuroi is helping
  • Both of them drawing together
  • Kaity making a flower crown and listening to Kuroi talking about Attack on titan
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Jay & Pansy

14 Males Cats Friends Ferals Tricksters best friends


These two troublemakers love to play with each other and cause some trouble, Jay likes to skip school with Pansy whenever they can and Pansy loves to hide from jay and to surprise them


  • Jay and Pansy hanging out with eachother
  • Jay getting scared by Pansy
  • Jay and Pansy skipping school
  • The two pulling pranks
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Bow & Kaity

12 Male + Female Cat Crushes Ferals Cat x Cat Flowers


Kaity and bow tend to cuddle with each other a lot, normally Bow will fall asleep on Kaity while their cuddling, Kaity loves to scare bow to say hi


  • Kaity and Bow cuddling
  • Kaity giving bow a flower crown
  • Kaity and Bow sleeping with each other
  • Kaity scaring Bow 
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Pyro & Boba

35 + 27 Male + Female Cats Lovers


W Pyro and Boba both love to talk with each other and to hang out with each other at night, Pyro loves to bring Boba flowers too


  • Pyro giving boba flowers
  • them hanging out at night
  • Boba putting flowers in Pyro's fur
  • The two cuddling
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Gingersnap & kyro

16 + 15 Female + Trans male Cat + wolf Lovers


Gingersnap loves Kyro so much, Gingersnap loves to decorate him in flowers and she doesn't care wither or not that Kyro is Trans, she loves him way too much, Kyro loves to help Gingersnap collect flowers from time to do


  • Gingersnap putting flowers in Kyro's hair
  • Kyro collecting flowers for gingersnap
  • The two cuddling
  • Gingersnap hugging Kyro
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Neon & teruleian

10 Female + Non-Binary Cats Siblings Horns Racing Flowers


 Neon and Teruleian both love to make flower crowns and sometimes they take flowers to decorate their house, Teruleian loves to cheat when them and Neon are racing, instead of running they'll fly


  • Racing to see whose the Faster
  • Flowercrowns
  • Feel free to Tone down Neon's colors
  • The two singing with eachother
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pansy & Camellia 

13 + 17 Male + Non-binary Cat Siblings Flowers Racing


Camellia and Pansy both love to run around but Camellia always gets worried when they are because she doesn't want Pansy to get overwhelmed and his eyes breaks where he can't see, and they have to carry him home


  • Pansy trying to scare Camellia
  • Or maybe important design notes?
  • Or even character aesthetics!
  • This box will match the size of the Bio box, and visa versa

Falconpaw & Ashenpaw

8 + 8 Male + Female Cats Siblings


Ashenpaw loves messing around with falcon paw and even trying to scare him even though it never works.


  • ashenpaw trying to scare falconpaw
  • The two hunting
  • falconpaw ignoring ashenpaw


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