Life Update

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by OhSweetYaoiHands

Hi guys it’s been a while since I’ve just talked here. 

This last year has been the worst of my life I am at breaking point between work and home and everyday is a struggle right now. 

I’ve been on the edge of doing something I can’t take back a lot lately and on top of everything I work a full time 40 hour a week job for literally minimum wage I get paid less than department store workers and I do full day rented accommodation maintenance work so let’s just say I get a screamed at and verbally abused all day for enough money to pay rent and not eat for the rest of the month - you know it’s bad when you have to go to sleep early because you literally can’t afford to eat dinner that night. 

I’m literally begging - even if you don’t want to buy any, please help me advertise my characters for sale because I’ve been fortunate enough to never have to worry about where my next meal is coming from and now I am I’m terrified.……

Thank you for reading any help is so appreciated and I will offer discounts for multiple and I will haggle!



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