updated carrd!

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by startle

who is the best pikachu clone and why is it plusle

4 Votes pichu
2 Votes raichu
9 Votes alolan raichu
0 Votes plusle
2 Votes minun
2 Votes pachirisu
2 Votes emolga
2 Votes togedemaru
1 Votes dedenne
3 Votes morpeko

i have updated my carrd!!

it's... basically the same, except prettier and with a bit of extra information some people asked for lolll

also, a bit off topic, but is buzzly worth using?? they don't have much of an about page as far as i can tell so i'm a bit confused ^^;;

also also will toyhouse profile codes work for their "custom" section... ??


Where is mimikyu this is illegal 🔫 

buzzly is very cool and a really friendly art community! :D

But not sure about the profile code thing!

Raichu is my bestie

Honestly I am also wondering if buzzly is worth using? Idk how quick. it is.

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I literally straight up forgot them omgg 😭😭

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I’m sosoosoryyyyyy 😭😭

it took me nearly 5 minutes to realize that i had to click the plusle and minun to proceed in the carrd BSHERDHSIO


honestly me too though lmfaoo its vaguely modeled after someone's pokemon themed carrd i Really Liked (just in the. theming aspect) and it took me a while to realize the sprites were clickable :sob:

interesting to see all the votes for morpeko as thats my least favorite pikachu clone haha

i voted for raichu but as for actual pikachu clones i love emolga, pachirisu, and dedenne i cant chooooseeee :((

also also i love buzzly so yes i think its worth it hehe

I TOTALLY AGREE its so bad looking :sob:

maybe its just the ppl whose first game was SwSh?? idk lmaoo

my personal favs are plusle + minun, but honestly that's probably mostly their association with my favorite pokemon trainers of all time... but emolga + alolan raichu + pachirisu (in that order) are close runner-ups !! 

hangry mode....

and yesss i love minun

also did you get legends arceus it is so fun ive been playing it all weekend..

YES i did and i have done none of my homework and barely drawn lol :sob:



and awesome!!!! i got a shiny graveler last night so that was epic :] however today i kept hearing the shiny noise in a certain spot but literally nothing was there i hope it was a glitch but ugh

ooourrghh that sounds like it would suck <//3 I am so sorry lol

Seems like shiny hunting is super easy in legends though which I am so hyped about!!! With shiny charm, a perfectly filled out Pokédex for the Pokémon you’re hunting (all tasks completed), and during an “outbreak” your chances are literally 1/128!! That’s insane!

1 Replies

I feel like the only one to dislike Plusle

Also while I can not answer either of your questions, your carrd looks nice!

(although what do you mean by ‘leftist’? My mind immediately goes to politics but I don’t think that’s what you mean.)

nooooooo but its so cuttee <//33

and thank u lol!

As an Oras child I found plusle and minun very annoying 

:(( nooo they're cute littol rabbitsss

as a bw child i found them Very Cute and fresh <3

Technically I think they’re mice-

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aww that sucks lol, but thanks for letting me know!

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