February Bulletin

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by paayne



We also have monthly prompts back! This month obviously it is going to be valentines day/white day. There will be a writing option for those who aren't the strongest in art! You can find these all in the Telepachu Discord Server.

Prizes are as follows (for both writing and drawing, prizes are given separately aka you can enter both and get the prizes again)

Participation prize: 2 event points
Runner up: 5 event points
Winner: 1 regular myo OR 20 event points

I look forward to your entries!!

Other Announcements

- We will be hosting a staff adopt batch later on today! I know adopts have been slow so i will also set up a guest artist application soon as well, so keep your eyes open for that!

- The event point shop is still in progressss, i hope i can set that up this month.

that is it for now! I hope you guys have a good 2nd month of the yearrrr!


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