Free characters (still open!)

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by SilverKnight

Real life is kind of kicking my ass lately, and with how little time I have to properly care for my characters I would rather rehome a few of them that I can't use anymore.

Everyone on Jen0vaTrades is free - disregard any price they might have, they're all up for grabs. No strings attached. If you want to doodle up something for me in exchange then that's fine, otherwise don't worry about it.

My only terms would be:

- To not fodder them off immediately! You can gift them away after a while, if you haven't found a use for them;

- To limit yourself to two freebies. 

Comment here with a link to the character/s you want, and I'll transfer them over as soon as I'm on my computer.


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Sent him over! <3

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Him -

Hey, I'm rooting for things to get better for you, soon ♡ Sorry I have dropped off the map, as well. I'm doing ok.

I know you'll reply not soon, IT'S OK SHH no rush at all!



Are they still up for grabs?

Sent em over! Enjoy <3

Thank you!!

Can I nab this lil guy as well please?


I'll send them over tomorrow!!! Sorry for the ungodly wait, these months have been... Well, a mess

No worries, you're not dumb! Thank you! I hope everything has been getting better, or rather, less messy for you now... ;u;

Of course! Sent them over

Thank you so much!💖

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Alphi has been taken, so I'm sending Rheid your way instead <3

Eh, it'll pass hopefully. Don't feel the need though, I know he's going to a good home ; w ;

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hey! i hope things get better!

i'd love to home this guy for you, if i can!

Thanks, I truly hope so too.

Sent them over, enjoy!

thank you!!

hey riley!! i hope rl gets better for you soon, if it's not too much trouble could i get remy back? no worries if not! thank you for the opportunity regardless! i'm sending you the best vibes ♥

Back with you they go! And thanks <3

thank you so much!! <3

I hope you're fine bud, I don't know what's going on but hang in there. You're strong 💙

If nobody has offered to take in, think I could? No doubt I can find a place for em in my story, would be sad to see them (and the others too tbh) waste away.

I'll do my best <3

Sent em, enjoy!

Good <33

I will, thank you!!

I know real life is hard right now but hang in there!!! The challenges in life are miserable at the time, but later on, the experiences can become something that helps you or others from it one day.

I was wondering if this guy is still available -

There's some challenges in life that I'd rather avoid lmao I'm too salty to deal with anything right now hh

Yes, the Kenomaera is still available! I'll send them over, feel free to de-species them if you'd rather use them as a one off! Just maybe change the spiked tail and spear feet since it's the two defining traits, the rest you can do as you wish.

I understand. I was trying to generalize because it is hard when you don't know the specific case at hand, however, empathy doesn't require specifics so I just want you to know this stranger on the internet really hopes things get better soon for you.

Thank you very much! I'm not sure whether or not I will keep the species yet, but I definitely love the design! Thank you for gifting!

If love to grab this guy then

I'll also happily doodle you a headshot for them

No need for a doodle, but feel free to sketch something if you feel like it <3

Sent them over!

Thanks so much

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Thank you   

I sent over the character, enjoy!

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Sent you the slot! <3

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hello! may I claim this guy ^o^

Sent them over

thank you so much <3