
Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by sweetbunberry

im in such a good spot in my life and i just want to share the picture 

it's drizzling. i'm wearing my favorite outfit, which accidentally matches my dog's leash AND my umbrella. i just shuffled my playlist and hayley kiyoko is blasting.

i'm sure this is some sort of sign that i'm gonna be okay. just... it's the little things.


AWW that's fantastic to hear! I'm sure you look super cute! Things will definitely be okay, there is always a bright side to things. The littlest things can always help.

Also Hayley Kiyoko is QUEEN

update: i'm now observing a swimming crane (which i never see around here) tryna hork down a fish (unsuccessfully) and it's being followed by some ducks... tryna get the same fish

it's entertaining 

also i loVE HER

I LOVE CRANES. We get them here, more so lately than ever before.

SAME HERE AAAAA she's a cutie patoot.