Hey guys, just a warning but this person is stealing character designs, mainly from aria


Thanks to my friend for pointing this out


Update: we got ‘em boys _(:3 」∠)_


I'd looked around and it seems like these were their alts (or potentially main?) that got banned. This is just speculation, but they're an account that traded/gifted to the scammer account and the account was closed not too long after the report got a response so it's highly likely this is the case!



Hell yeah!


I'm doing a deep dive trying to find the ones I can, so I just want to do this as I find them, and so that we have a list

Stolen: https://toyhou.se/14658540.ollie
Original/Real: https://toyhou.se/133206.ovi

Stolen: https://toyhou.se/14658893.sky
Original/Real: https://toyhou.se/817807.abigail

Stolen: https://toyhou.se/14689563.kalie
Original/Real: https://toyhou.se/15325.henry

Stolen: https://toyhou.se/14689588.uft
Original/Real: https://toyhou.se/14773.valentine

ty for letting me kno!

np! glad I could kinda help let people know :)

Im on my alt but i got the beautiful ocean themed waterdog- they blocked me on my og account 

I got Kalie from them, just like the comment below there isn't any proof that she's stolen (not yet at least), and she seems to be properly credited, but still I worry

I got burrows from them,, but

She seems to have been obtained legitimately, having been up for 10 months+ and having previous owners

Still, I do worry that she may not be legitimate

Has someone already contacted the new owner(s) of the stolen designs? (I was going to say something on the characters profile to let the people who adopted them know but i didn’t know if someone already messaged them)

I found https://toyhou.se/14717141.camron creator is Krooku on DA (og post https://www.deviantart.com/krooku/art/neonzebraas-488623863 ) and the character should be owned by neonzebraas on DA according to the description

Not sure yet, but my friend had shown me this one that had been stolen:

stolen: https://toyhou.se/14717212.ocean

og: https://toyhou.se/6580.-eponine

and this one seems to be a sushi dog, which I know sure as hell no one is going to just give away
