Art trade?

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by AliensOrbiting

I am sad and I just really want art of Hogan (or one of my tf ocs if anyone is able to drae them.) djshsjsjssksjsj

Anyone wanna do an art trade? It can be headshots or fullbody idc :'''''"D



What's the robot boy you want art of? I found this precious baby in your gallery of offers, can we do a trade please?, I completely fell in love with how amazing this boy looks😲💖💖💖💖🙌🏻✨🤧

Anyone here!!

I can put Zwicky in pending for you!

.~ fantastic!! I have given favorites to the baby that I will draw!, Thank you very much for accepting \^<^/

.> hello! sorry for the delay but I'm about to finish your baby and I would like to add another complete body for your lynx to exchange this other boy from your folder if you can please.

Okay!! Do you think you could draw a fullbody of someone in this folder

:3 I'll put Claubo in the pending folder!

.~ Ready and I put in favorites who I will draw, thanks thanks sorry what does Imao mean?, I have seen a lot of who but I never asked them what it meant :'') 

Sure I’d be up for an art trade 

Alrighty! Who'd you like me to draw?

Would venom be good for you?

I can draw them!!

I’d be interested in one!

Alrighty!! Who'd you like me to draw? :D

Anyone in the Dtp tag would be awesome! 

I’d prefer to do a headshot trade btw, I’ve drawn feet too much lately xD

Alrighty!! :D

Oh, also, would you rather I draw Hogan or one of your TFs? I can do either

One of my Transformers! :0

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