My misery is your fortune today friends cuz I gotta pay rent so I'm opening up my general characters folder to offers.

- Post your offers on this thread. Any offers posted directly to the character's profile will be deleted without response.
- You are welcome to offer on any characters, but some characters I simply will not part with. 'sonas, RPG characters, and certain characters I've written into stories will stay with me.

If you're curious if any character has an existing price range feel free to ask. I keep track of how much I bought characters for where applicable.
Please keep in mind though that asking for a price tag doesn't count as making an offer to purchase.



i know this is closed but could i offer on

I was wondering if any of your 3 blimpcat designs were for sale, the Piques?

Sorry for the late reply.

No, sorry. I've got stories with them written in. I appreciate the interest, though. What price did you have in mind for them?

That one was a patreon reward based on a specific design request of mine and scpkid has stated that they don't put any kind of limitations or ballparks on designs received this way, plus I've never wanted to let this character go (despite A LOT of people asking me if I would) so I don't exactly have any kind of price in mind. Though, based on the prices other scpkid designs and art regularly sell for (since it has both), how tentative I am to part with them, and how many people have sent me DMs begging me to sell them in the past, I can at least say I won't be letting them go for any less than $250. That would be the absolute barest minimum just to make me consider parting with them.

I completely understand - thank you for the insight!