Trades (open) !! (UPDATED)

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Falu

These kids sit in the dust with me so feel free to offer if you want them!
I'm just looking for art, I'm not super picky ATM
I kinda just wanna get some doodles for friends or something HAHA

>> <<

Edit: yes you can offer for multiple!! ill take a day to consider the offers!! thank you for looking!!
Edit2: omg theres so much more offers than i expected, i might take a little longer to organise them LOL
Edit3: no, im not taking designs
Edit4: ive decided on yass, alex, tira, mithra, suri, darya, 60 and nier!! Ill be DMing everyone soon! Other characters are still open~~


What are you looking for in terms of trades for this bab? ^^ I can also offer my art ! (There is nudity as a warning)

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Hey faluuuu!! Id really like to offer on Nier or the blakrye YASS LMAO i dont know if id offer the same thing on the blakrye just because Nier has so many full pieces but I was torn,,, 

Anyways-- I can offer something like this fullbody shaded piece 

(pls ignore the ad was for ganyu LMAOO i have her now and shes the love if my life,,,)

There is another example here but i can also do lile simplified versions too like these

Lemme know! Sorry for the 50 links!! Have a good day OwO//

I'm literally in LOVE with Nier ;0;

I'd like to offer as much art as you'd like for them,,, plus any characters in my sell/trade folder.

I'm also interested in Tira <333

Same offer for them but I'm most interested in Nier ! ;3;

My art examples ~

I can offert artsu for this bby

Here my art examples  number of pieces equal value!

offering for this bookling >

here are my art offers ;;)/ (Monkay is my alternative username on Twitter @bananers4u)

lined work || sketch work || chibi || mini chibi

amount can be discussed! thank you for looking!

Tucks hair, I'd love to offer art 4 these guys!

HERE ME ART EXAMPLES TYSM 4 THE OPPORTUNITY TO PROMOTE IT WAILS!! (All art examples r in the tabs on that page I hope it's easy to navigate!!) U can pick w/e ud like if u do accept! (love them so bad!!??? I'm clawing at the walls CLAWING) (grips) (LOVE YOU BADDDDDDD)


I'd like to offer for a few.

First, this boi here

You can get any scale or style at all. These are most of the more finished work in DA :

But if you are interested in a more scribbly, doodle stuff you can look here. In which case I can do comics as well. (and even animation like a short action)

And for these 3 I'd like to add my offer for Lovelessism. (meaning you can get my art, but the adopt goes to her) | |

Hello! Would like to offer my art for Darya!

I have a few types so an amount can be discussed based on which style interest you > </

this bb is absolutely adorable!! i can offer a fullbody and 2 bust!
examples :

GASP I hope it's okay to offer for multiples

I'm interested in | |

I can offer any type you want cus I'm not sure about the value of the adopt ;v; my time frame is usually not more than 1 month per work! (but the chibis will be faster)


poses at your doorstep// _(:3」∠)_

I'd love to offer a handful of chibi or bust portrait arts for Alex and/or Tira !
examplesss :: 

Waah I absolutely love these three

Here are my art examples:

Mainly offering coloured sketches with more minimal shadings but I'm open to discussing amounts as well ^ ^

Wonder if can I offer my art for them? 🥺 I can offer you any style and quantities!