I am now retconning the "Shell Infection" and changing it to the "Gold Infection" and(in my opinion a very cool name) "Midas' blood"

Now for the explanation since I still haven't explained it yet:

Infection stages:
10-20%- Infected starts to hear whispers of the infection's voice, twitching/light movements in afflicted areas.
30-40%- Infection's voice is now established in the Infected's brain, Infection has increased control in afflicted limbs but the Infected person can regain control if they want to, heightend aggression and urges to infect are now starting to appear in the Infected person.
50-60%- Infection can use the Infected's voice to communicate to others, the Infected has lost control of afflicted limbs and Infection has full control of said areas.
70-80%- Memory issues appear in the Infected person, urges and aggression are now even more prevalent.
90-100%- Depends on Infection type but the ending is the same, the Infected person dies a slow and painful death due to the main body being easier to be taken over while internal organs are slower to be infection and the Infected slowly withers away as their brain is taken over.

Infection Types:
Standard- They have the intelligence of a wild animal, are highly aggressive, and attacks anything that doesn't look or move like an infected. In very rare cases they can have abit higher intelligence, but due to being a result of being infected after death the brain cannot be fully 'revived' for full/normal intelligence.
Feral- Due to experimentation, these infected will constantly bleed from infected areas, such as the mouth, ears, eyes, or claws, (identified like Feral-Mouth infected or Fearl-Eye infected) and unless these areas are covered infected blood will continue to drip and pour out of these areas based on how much adrenaline is in the infected's body. (Higher adrenaline=more blood)
Normal- Pretty much normal people but they are more prone to being trigger happy and they're blood is infectious(like all infected).
Half Infected- These people for strange reasons cannot be further infected than what is already in their system, they are highly wanted by scientists(good and bad) that are studying the virus.

Additional info:
Infected blood glows under red lights as if it were hit with a UV light. The virus is dependent on blood and that is why Infected bleed so much and have a taste for fresh blood even though they're body is constantly producing blood. Infection speed has a wide range from person-to-person with it sometimes taking a person over within hours up to weeks.

Edit* I have finally decided on how fast it spreads, but basically if you have a strong immune system the infection will have a harder time spreading and taking over but if your immune system is weak it'll easily take you over. Now say you don't have an immune system or are immuno compromised? The infection gets confused and sort of rejects the body, causing it to be stuck where it is and unable to progress.


Anyone is free to make an oc with this infection! And if anyone has questions feel free to ask! I don't bite :3