Original Meme project

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by RiverRainStudio

Ever since I was in middle school I have always wanted to make my own original animation meme. And yesterday was when I finally had the idea for one! 

I am once again working on it on my phone, but this time I wanna do everything on it and try and make it look clean. Also I am not gonna tween in this one because last time I made it look bad lol. Most the animation is lip syncing (which I am surprisingly good at, probably because of when I animated on the DSi and 3DS as a kid). But hopefully this is will be good! :3 I won't spoil what song I am using or the characters in it. But I think the song and characters fit together quite nicely. 

Idk I am just really excited! :3 Even if I know the meme won't blow up or anything. It is just fun doing these things tbh, plus it gets my mind off the things I stress out about. 

Anyways imma work more on that lil project, as well as other art stuff now qwq 

I'll make another one of these Bulletins when I am finished :3 haha can't wait ^v^


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