Adopts! Lots and Lots of adopts

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Kingfisher01

Howdy yall! I got plenty of adopts that need homes! 

These are mostly horses, but got a few others sprinkled in there Everything here is $5-10 or art!

These are all apart of a CS, CS world, everyone one is $5-10 or art


I need the baby I need the caracal

Then the Caracal shall be yours! 

Thank you thankyu <33

Np! <3 

aaah I still want your unicorn adopt so badly but I am still broke to no end TwT

Would you happen to be able to take art offer for this one?

Bleizez Of course! Your art is stunning! Ill put them on hold for you and can you do North? Thank you!

omg yes I'd love to do North!

About the style, I draw in 2 ways, sketches or lined ^^
In my commission sheet, 10$ is fullbody sketch, but as I am working for my equine portfolio, I could maybe do a lined bust ?

That would be wonderful! Thank you so much!