TH up for art

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by cleoziep

Offlimits are mains, peronal (tag), and main sonas

Looking to get some nice art of m beloved babies~


Hello! I saw and haunted hooves, I’d like to offer a headshot for them!<3 examples are uh, everywhere xux but you can check my art on here to check my skill level^^ feel free to decline if you don’t feel the offer!

I can draw whatever the hecc for the headshot really, I’m not picky! 

for each?
Also what kind of headshot, as I see a few different ones in your commission info on your .art

I meant one headshot actually, fully shaded. Those normally go for 40€  Which is about 44usd! I can offer a mugshot each otherwise if you prefer that!

No, sorry. 

I'd be glad to resell them tho. 

That’s alright! at least I tried!;D no Ty