Parvo Puppy Update

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by gyngercookie

I've been doing updates on Instagram, but realized I should do one here ♥

Bruno is in hospital, has been for 2 nights & he has one more night to go. After night 3 we'll be at $1,500 in bills for this vet, so including the expenses from before, we'll be at a total of $2,100 -- We've already raised just over $800 in character sales, commissions & general donations, thank you all SO SO much!

He's doing a little better, he was severely anemic & lethargic when I took him to hospital, with a very low white blood cell count. Since being in, his anemia is recovered, white blood cell count went way up, but he is still very lethargic. Also, his glucose levels were good, then took a big dip, but have come back up. So he IS doing better, the vet says it's encouraging, but he isn't out of the woods yet.

Regardless of what ends up happening to him, we'll still have the charges, and if we absolutely HAVE to, I would love to be able to give him one extra night at the vet if he needs it-- so my entire TH is STILL open for offers-- and I'm not kidding, there are very few I am not giving up (either because I've had them for so long or because of re-sale rules of the original creators). So please still let me know if anyone is interested in anything!

I also have a Ko-fi set up now, with a donation goal of $1k, so if you just want to give something, anything, we greatly appreciate every little bit & you're seriously helping me to give this puppy his best chance. Even if you can't buy an OC or donate, if you can share this bulletin that would mean EVERYTHING to me ♥ ♥

I am also still taking commissions! Going to be trying to knock them out as quickly as I possibly can, but there will still probably be a decent wait time due to the fact that I'm taking on quite a few, but they WILL get done! ♥

UPDATE 3 / 11 --
Puppy is home! ^_^ Bruno is doing super well, if you didn't know he was sick, you would never guess it ♥ He lost quite a bit of weight & was already pretty skinny, so he definitely is underweight, but not dangerously so & we will be working on that slowly as his parvo gets better & better ♥ Things still happen, one of his white blood cell counts still quite low, so he's at risk for infection, but he's hopping around, barking, playing with his toy & the kids, eating & drinking super well... it's super encouraging! ♥

Total raised for Bruno is nearly $1,000 & I can't BEGIN to thank you guys enough!! I am not even kidding when I say you guys SAVED his life! If Bruno had gone to the shelter, we found out they would have put him down as soon as they realized he had parvo. And we would have had to do the same if it wasn't for the donations, because there would be NO way we could have afforded such a huge charge we were so unprepared for. ♥ Thank you thank you THANK YOU!



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