Slowly reopening commissions

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Jovian

Hey!  As you may or may not know, I redid my Carrd recently to include commission info on it, and updated my terms/prices with it.  Begone are the days of me trying to shove everything on a Twitter image set, now I can WRITE TEXT AND UPDATE IT AT WILL!

ANYWAY, I have a backlog I took over the holidays that I'm still getting through--been between a few projects lately, so commissions can't be worked on all the time.

Currently I am open just for icons (which are a larger style than I was offering previously, so I need new examples!), and Ko-fi doodle requests.

When I'm caught up on my backlog, I will be offering my new experimental style (again, so I can have examples that aren't my own OCs)!

Once I get those in, I'll start taking commissions for the other styles again!  I'll try and remember to write an updated bulletin when I do, haha.

Thanks for checking this out!


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