
Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by meyyebs

eyo, i've been kinda absent from th for a couple of weeks
first i started being more active on secondlife again! after that i finally bought a game (other then the sims 4, i stopped playing it a long time ago because the game is so broken,,),
i've always wanted to play other games but couldn't cuz i would get so nauseous/motion sick the first few minutes in. but i finally went and bought witcher 3 and skyrim, and i'm not getting nauseous!!!

any suggestions for a noob like me? i like exploring, character creation and pretty visual (i'm not really into combat haha)

also it's been such a long time since i've drawn anything,, my artblock has been stubborn for years so idk why i'm expecting it to go away,,


Tree of Life might be good? i had it years ago and i liked it but i don't know how much it's changed. it was really pretty though! the characterisation was pretty decent too i believe.

oh it looks cool! i'll check it out later!! 👌👌👌

i hope you enjoy if you do!!


I thought that game was only in the Office lol 

lol, you mean secondlife?
yea it's real! idk iff it's actually a "game" tho,, it started in 2003 and it's more like a virtual world/sandbox, which kinda thrives from microtransactions.
because tbh all you do in sl is explore and buy stuff/custom content that other players create,, it's really fun tho, but kinda addictive? like suddenly you're spending too much on microtransactions because there is no real way to make money in-game (except by making custom content)
but it has a lot of freedom and things you can do :)