About Me Meme...?

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by Matreats

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Name: Matreats/Treats/Mat

Birthday: August 24

Height: 5'4" I think

Weight: 168 lbs

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Light brown

Race: Human

Zodiac Sign: Virgo


Drink?: Nope.

Smoke?: Ew no.

Use Drugs?: Definitely not.

Cuss?: No, but there will be the rare day where I'll go into my room when no one is around and let it all out.

Play Any Instruments?: Used to play the cello, currently dinking around with piano and ukulele .

Have Any Piercings?: Just one on each ear!

Have Any Tattoos?: No - Frankly I think Tattoos are really gross :') Yeah, they look good for one or two years and then after that it just looks like someone drew on you with permanent marker and you never washed it off. Also ow?

Like To Annoy People?: Depends on who they are. Stupid customers? Definitely.

Like Life?: Depends on the day, but for the most part yep!

Wear Make-Up?: Rarely, but when I do it's the bare minimum. Except for mascara. That is the literal worst.

Dye Your Hair?: Nope! It looks cool for a while, but then it fades out and makes you look a little homely.

Scream At The top of your lungs for no reason?: ...Yes.

Get Distracted By Shiny Objects?: If it's a rock, most definitely.

Like Pina Coladas?: YES! Had one in Florence, Italy, though I got it without alcohol. Probably the most delicious thing I've ever tasted.

And Getting Caught In The Rain?: Yes! I love the rain! But there will be days when it's not the best timing :')


Dependable?: I would say so, yeah.

Trustworthy?: Yes!

Obsessive?: Well, the thing is, the only time I could consider myself obsessive is when it's over a fandom/game series/book. I'm either all in or all out, completely dedicated or don't care for it much at all.

Hyper Active?: Not really.

Happy?: For the most part, yeah!

Content?: For now, yes, but there's still a lot I want to do.

Boring?: No!

Violent?: No, unless someone touches me physically.

Evil?: Nope.

Hippie-Ish?: Dunno what counts, but if it means I'm animal-loving and nature orientated with a strange taste in indie music and strong religious viewpoints, definitely.

Shy?: Not unless it's around teachers or most authority figures. Had a few traumatic experiences back when I was small related to that and I'm subconsciously terrified of them now.

Paranoid?: Only when I'm depressed :')

Annoying?: I don't think so? I suppose I might talk too much about things I like, but it's because I don't have anyone to talk about it to, so when I get the chance I tend to go overboard and the other person walks away knowing way too much about the Marvel universe than they ever wanted to.

Social?: It depends on the person and the situation, but for the most part yeah.

Religious?: Yes! Been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for my whole life :)


TV Show?: Currently Doctor Who because of the new season starting up, but I also love Voltron, AtLA, and Merlin!

Movie?: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is my favorite movie, but other than that anything Marvel!

Band/Singer(s)?: Imagine Dragons & Twenty-One Pilots - Also the Undertale soundtrack is a bop

Song?: Thief by Imagine Dragons

Book/Story?: It's been a while whoooo boi - Wings of Fire? Percy Jackson, though only the first series.

Color(s)?: Green! I also like black and gold together.

Shape?: cat

Animal?: Snow leopard, lions, cats in general. Also BIRDS! I LOVE pigeons!

Person(s)?: Tom Hiddleston,

Smell?: Rain!

Flower?: Lotus!

Subject?: Lunch.

Musical?: Les Miserables!

Sport?: Miss me with that useless stuff-

Word?: L o k i

Quote?: "Oh dear, is she dead?"

Hobby?: Drawing and writing!

Store?: I hate going to the store.

Season?: Fall!

Time Of Day?: Night c:


Worst Fear?: Fire and the ocean, though I love the ocean still.

Life Goal?: Make a living off of something I love doing!

Greatest Accomplishment?: Surviving this long? Also maybe winning the Halloween legendary viscet in 2017 owo


Pepsi Or Coke?: No-

McDonald's Or Burger King?: Wendy's. Best chicken nugs and fries :D

Converse Or Vans?: Converse!

Dogs Or Cats?: C A T S.

AIM, YIM Or MSN Messenger?: MSN because we had it on our old computer.

Chicken Or Fish?: Chickens because they're fat.

Black Or White?: How about the whole scale? (White)

MTV Or FUSE?: What are these??

MP3 player, ipod or CD player?: MP3

Pants Or Shorts?: Pants. Then I don't have to shave woohooo


Day: Meeting my favorite people on the planet :') Or getting a compliment or a commission at all ahhah

Room: My room is already amazing. Just needs more snakes :)

Life: Finding a husband who loves me and will play Mariokart for our wedding party. Also I want to become a concept artist for Marvel c:

World: Hit me up with the Pokemon or Marvel universe!

Romantic Date: Uhh...chilling at the beach during the summer sunset with lots of pigeons and seagulls? That or beating each other up in Minecraft.


God?: Yes!

Heaven & Hell?: Definitely.

Angels & Demons?: Yep.

Reincarnation?: No, but the concept is pretty cool!

Yourself?: Depends on the day whoops-

Ghosts?: Yep!

UFOs?: Maybe...

Big Foot?: Not really

Lochness Monster?: Yes >_>

A Thing Called Love?: Yes??


Kill Someone Else?: Not unless it was in self defense or to save someone I loved.

Kill Yourself?: Thought about It, but probably wouldn't have the guts to.

Beg For Money?: I do that anyway lol

Skydive?: YES!

Bunjee Jump?: YES!

Make out in the rain?: Ew no- am I the only one who thinks kissing is gross?

Run Away From Home?: Tried to, then learned it was illegal LOL

Ride A Motorcycle?: Nope. Too many accidents.

Do Extreme Sports?: No way :') Unless it's hang-gliding or squirrel suit jumping. Anything to do with flying hit me up :D


Do You Own A Car?: Nope.

Ever Been To Jail?: Nope.

Ever Gotten Kicked out?: No.

Do You Have A Job?: Yes - Soobway!

Do You Like Taking Surveys Like This?: Yes >_>


Are You Lonely?: Depends...need more friends lol.

Are You Sitting In A BeanBag Chair Eatin' Cheetos?: No, but the only good Cheetos are puffy Cheetos.

Do You Fee The Urge To Send Me A Thousand Dollars?: If I could I would, but I kind of need to pay off student loans rip

Really?: Yep.

Do You Know Where That Comes From?: What?

How Many Licks Does It Take To Get To The Center Of A Tootsie Pop?: Dunno, a couple thousand. Or you could save time and chew on it.

Is That Your Final Answer?: y es....

Are You Sure?: ....y e s....

Postitive?: Hoe quit that

Glad That This Is Over?: Now I can do my homework thanks


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