
Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Neruwi

This has nothing to do with anything but I have changed my major!! geology -> environmental science

...with a concentration in geology

Nothing has really changed- but at least I only have to finish calc 1 instead of 2 and a bunch of other bs :''^)

Just hyped because this branch is new at my uni and it fits me better!!!


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I took it as a class a while ago but now that there's an actual branch? and I can use my geology knowledge? i'm like wEAQK

Good luck! I got a bunch of friend who do environmental science, and it sounds neat.

Ty and it is!

Environmental science sounds super cool!! They offer it here but I’m not sure if I can take it since I already took biology 🗿

Calc?? Bless,,, it was pain taking it in high school can’t imagine taking it in uni… anyways good luck!

Oh wack, they limit you? Though it isn't much like bio, so maybehaps? Idk how it is for non science majors

CRIES I hate it here, they expect you to remember stuff from high school math,,, my brain deleted that years ago

And ty!!!