Hello everyone! A bit of an out of the blue announcement from someone you probably don't know, but a needed one with an ownership update and mascot(s) reveal!

Recently, Luna has decided to put the species up for offer not because of any drama or anything, just as it has become stressful for her and she wishes to pursue other things! So, with that being said, the species has come into my hands! However, Luna will still remain for a while longer to bring you the tarot event that will start soon-ish! Once that is over, she will step down and I will take full control over the species! On a sadder note, the current mod team will be stepping down, so please say your thanks to them!

So, who am I, anyway? Well, I'm Ray! Also known by my handle evaimaginary, you've probably seen me active in a bunch of other closed species, like this one! I enjoy breakcore music, love playing video games (was just on a Pokemon Legends: Arceus binge LOL), and I thoroughly enjoy creating characters and designs! It will be my first time owning a CS, but not my first time moderating one, though that does not excuse me from any constructive criticism you would like to give me! I'm all ears now that I have taken this position!

I have big plans so far for the species, and I want desperately for it to succeed, no matter if it has 10 members or 1,000 members! I also want it to be a fun and safe place for people to enjoy Solinox and Lunalux, among other things, and to enjoy interacting with others without judgement! Along with big plans for the species, I also hope to achieve the species being active on a semi-regular basis rather than the, admittedly, stagnant activity it's been having. :c

Some smaller, but still important plans I have are for GA and mod applications to open up soon, the masterlist to be combined into one main masterlist, to update/redo the shop and add new items (one of which is coming very soon), make some mini adopt batches (some of which I plan to be DTA, WTA, etc), and various things involving the discord (mostly minor things, like making use of the weekly questions channel, adding game channels, etc).

As for the big plans, I can't give too much away as it spoils the fun, but I plan to impliment a new, major lore NPC once I update the shop enough, update both the Solinox and Lunalux lore, have more interactive monthly events, have mini, season/holiday related events, and hopefully, by the middle of the year or near fall, have an arpg-style system implimented.

I hope I'm able to achieve all the plans I've listed above, some sooner than others of course, and I hope to make these closed species better than they have ever been! I also hope for you all to enjoy what I have in store, and to have fun, even though we have to say 'see you later' to some familiar faces in the group!

I have one small announcement for this update, though! Welcome our new mascots, Aruna and Jericho!


Aruna (the Solinox on the left) is a fun, high spirited woman that prides herself on being the 'sun's messenger' of sorts! She enjoys helping out newborn stars and helps them adjust in their new lives! In her free time, she loves going to antique shops and loves going out for picnics with Jericho!

Jericho (the Lunalux on the right), is a meek, shyer trans man who has taken up the job of a waitor while also being the 'moon's messenger'! Likewise to Aruna's job, he also helps out newborn stars, even if he is a little stressed from juggling two jobs! When he's able to find any freetime at all, he loves to read, write, and enjoys hanging out with Aruna!

Please, feel free to ask any questions below, and I appreciate all of you for sticking around! <3


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