what the fuck dude

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by illidari_

Okay im fucking sick of people going 'OHH THEY COPIED THIS ARTISTS SONA!!1!1 LETS ATTACK THEM'. Its disgusting. Just because a design looks similar does not mean its copied??/ like oh my god. And dont get involved in it. Let the two people sort it out on their own. Dont go attacking and harassing and basically THREATENING that person because of one simple detail. Its a fucking design. And people are ALLOWED to take inspiration. Im aiming this at a few people. A friend in my discord server said her friend was being harassed for having a similar colored character with a similar neck item. She sent a screenshot of a few of the comments and I saw someone I knew. Im so disgusted in you. Like?? I thought you were a really fucking sweet person who helped people. Not go 'WHAT THE FUCK LOL'. Jfc. PLEASE understand that this fucking AFFECTS PEOPLE.
And keiirlo was kind enough to state facts against both artists and their sonas that they are not similar. Next time think because you defend that so called 'favourite artist' Thank you <3


lmao what this was a year ago i dont even fucking remember what happened bro

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I didn't say you threatened them. Though you did reply to the comment. Its best to leave it to the owners.
Sometimes people take design inspiration from other artists 'sonas'. Though this isn't always the case. Some may take it to far and use the exact colors, theme, design, or accessories. But sometimes there might be small similarity toward a certain popular artists character. Its not meant to be a copy .And like keiirlo said, its very common for brown and blue to be on a character. And I didn't realize there was more than one character linked. Its very common for someone to point out that a character looks similar to another, its either inspiration, not intended, or just a 'copy' (as in they really like a character so they based theirs off that persons. Basically the same as inspiration.) But when its a popular artists character people are claiming has been 'copied', fans and followers will start attacking that person. It may seem like they're being loyal and doing the right thing and sticking up for that artist, but just being attacked by a bunch of people is absolutely horrible.

And again, sorry. Honestly you haven't talked to me in awhile because that whole 'I want new friends' misunderstanding, that I actually thought you didn't need me in your life. Which I still think. But like you said thats your choice if you don't want me in your life. I completely understand. And sorry for also having an 'misunderstanding' towards the whole copying ufohouse situation. I'm not completely blaming you for anything. I'm not blaming you for anything at all infact. I am just disapointd in the fact that people just attack 'copiers'. Though you didn't and I understand it was just a comment saying 'LOL' n shit. But the other comments werent and were. Thank you, have a nice day.

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From the screenies a friend sent, it did appear they linked TH in a status. Correct me if I am wrong.
But if they did show images, then people could probably track down those people by the style. (and yes I got told that one person did get attacked, I'm not sure about the other)

Its stupid how people think this person owns this particular design. Yes the character is owned by them. Although it is a design. Which many artists have a 'Similar' design.

You may not hate them, or attacked them, but others may. though im glad skullker said sorry, because in the end its a design. A character. Its something not real. (unless you have a fursuit ??) 

Sorry for the misunderstanding :) <3

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I was shown screenshots, Not links. Maybe the second one was, but the first may've not. You can own a character, but you can't exactly own a design completely. Lace, Spots, or just whatever is a common thing for characters to have. And if a character has similar marking to another, possibly similar colors too, does not mean its been intended. Many people have Brown and blue dog characters, its a color combination, and yeah its rude if you just straight up copy that character/artists, its fine to take a little bit of inspiration. Everyone has.

You straight up lashed out at me then. I said sorry so many times and thats what I didn't mean.
honestly sorry for trying to hide my fucking emotions from people because I don't want to upset them. I bottle them up and then this happens. Though I wasn't upset, I was disgusted. And if you can't handle me why are you here. Why are you 'feeding me attention' about me being disgusted by MANY PEOPLE in deviantart. Copying happens. You can't stop it. Its how people learn, like you said to me.

Also, I come to TH and just blab on about how much my life fucking sucks and how im such a bitch to everyone because like I said, I bottle up emotions and then it gets to full and breaks. I come looking for advice and to talk to people who care about me, who are always there for me. But im afraid you haven't done so. I come here because almost all my friends from dA are here, and this is probably the only way I can contact them. So what do you expect. Its like people making status' and journals about their friends. and many people do it, because they want actual advice and honestly I bet most of the time you and others just deleted my status' and go. Or on accident. It happens. Friends are meant to fight, make up, and repeat. I honestly gave up the thought of getting you back as a friend after you said 'Your throwing away everything i've done for you'. Infact. You haven't really done much. Your not on when I am, and I get it, its timezones. But im just one of those bitchy friends who wants attention which everyone gives no shits about.. So does everyone else.

Thank you,
You didn't need to bring up all this shit in the first place, I didn't even name you, so what if it wasn't you? People do it all the time, they attack people because they're framed by others.
Honestly its been an honor having you as a friend while it lasted, Olly. Thank you for those little moments <3

thanks for blocking me lol but i copied my reply so im just posting it here.

you clearly didnt look at the designs skulker linked, otherwise you wouldve seen that the second character was a complete ripoff of ufohouse's sona. the colors were directly picked. the markings were the same. etc. dont try to defend something if you havent even seen what im referring to. ive had a lot of people directly rip off my characters, and ive had a lot of people come to me saying "this persons copying you!" when they really aren't, so trust me i can tell when something is a copy and something was just inspired off of something.

also, i get you bottle up your emotions. but you can CHANGE THAT. i would prefer if you yelled your head off at me in dms than ignoring me and writing a vague post with me in it. TAKE. YOUR PROBLEMS. TO ME. WHEN THEY INVOLVE ME. thats called COMMUNICATION. it is the most essential part of every friendship and its something you clearly dont get. gonna be blunt- drawing something for someone does not always mean you grow closer. i appreciate the stuff you drew for me, i really do, but it didnt ever improve our friendship. talking things out? that does. i was still following you because i like seeing your artwork, and toyhouse was the only place i still could. im sorry if me and others deleting your statuses instead of replying upset you, but again, you cannot expect people to read your mind and understand that. i tried really hard to improve myself so i would avoid upsetting you, but you have not shown me the same courtesy. im sorry, but that is true. how can you expect me to want to be your friend when you refuse to respect things that you know bother me?

i dont hate you, but your OWN behavior is what drove me away from you.

I was shown screenshots of the comments jfc how many times have I said that
Like , dude , so many people class things as ripoffs of other characters by POPULAR people. POPULAR people have blind fans who just attack others because they want to defend that artist. when 1 , the artists probably isnt affected at all / if used to it by now , 2 , it affects the 'copier' from being harassed. You know when I was attacked how much it affected me. I want others to put themselves in other peoples shoes and realize how it fucking affects people ??? you have so many people SPAMMING and HARASSING YOU. possibly sending DEATH THREATS like 'OH DELETE THIS OR ILL FIND YOU' 'KYS YOU COPYCAT' or 'YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO DRAW STUPID'. smfh. and yeah i get people go 'this persons copying you!!' but then if you say or THEY say , people will want to defend you.

Honestly I drew shit for you because ?? your characters are fucking pretty ??
You barely talked to me. And you never bothered to share you were feeling either.
Honestly go ahead and blame me man. In the vent thingy I posted in the first place that caused this, WAS NOT ABOUT YOU. Whats so wrong with sharing emotions towards others when they are about MORE THAN ONE PERSON. Even at the end, I said im sorry if I offended anyone. I really am sorry. But how can you expect me to confront someone about how im upset. Im a very anti-social person on here and in real life , I open up to friends, But dont really talk about what im feeling.

Its not just me y'know. Its you whos driving yourself away from others. I'm not mean. im not selfish. Im upset with myself about how I bottle up emotions then blabber it out once I break. Why don't you understand.

honestly dont try contacting me again. I don't want to hear it.

2 Replies