deviantart (my opinions)

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by illidari_

Hey!! Heres my opinion on deviantart and other stuff haha

After joining twitter and leaving dA completely i've been feeling so good about myself. I guess you can say my ego has gone up slightly. But i'm finding it such a welcoming place. I've past 100 followers and everyone on there is just so friendly. It may take a little while till people actually notice you, but thats fine! And if you're in a certain type of fandom (eg the furry fandom or whatever) you'll find a place where you fit in!! And from the fandom i've join into (warcraft / ive been in the fandom for years and years, but dA has left me with nothing. and its not active in the WoW community on dA).
Honestly on deviantart I felt so insecure and just, trapped basically, in a certain type of fandom or people or whatever. on twitter its just so welcoming to anything almost. Theres people on youtube on there, stunning artists, and memers??? Yeah. So if you're still on dA I would suggest moving off the site slowly into a more open site? eg twitter, insta (maybe not tumblr, ive heard theres a lot of drama there) because honestly like, dA has so many trolls.

Though if you do end up signing up for a twitter acc, you do need to enter a phone number so you're not a troll. Yeah.

I do want to say a big thank you to everyone who helped me get through my hard times. It means so much to me, really. I do hope atleast a few people do consider joining twitter/insta (i dont really have insta/cant use it pff) because I don't want people feeling shitty on dA!! haha,,,, insta and twitter are more than just art communities, and are so open to people with all interests.

Ty <3


Hey, I want to try to do twitter, idk how to start using twitter for art tho

What's your twitter and I could use some help setting up

I kinda just reused my old one for trash:


Its simple!! depending on your drawing, lets say if its furry, you can go #furry or something similar. thats what ive been doing! and i found it useful talking to other artists/drawing for them aswell!

oo i will explore around and see

