
Hello everyone!
I'm happy to present to you all our free MYO event! Anyone may participate, regardless of whether you have previously heard of the species or already own a ticket. There's just a bit of rules and everything, but it shouldn't be difficult to claim your own ticket for free!

What are Chiivae?
Death is inevitable. It's an universally known fact-- yet a dreaded one nonetheless. It's only human nature to try and stay remembered for as long as you can, and for some, that dream is realized through writing-- even after your soul leaves the Earth, your thoughts and words may never die...

Until they're forgotten.

After an author passes away, characters they've given life to in books may manifest into the real world as Chiivae. They're (mostly) indistinguishable from regular people and possess the same amount of intelligence, but they're a little odd: they're constantly shilling to you some novel that they always seem to keep on hand. Wait, did that one's face just change?

Essentially, Chiivae are physical manifestations of literary characters (not for real. Don't use characters from actual books please unless it's public domain) that have normal human "facades" that conceal some sort of impossible and otherworldly "true face". (Don't judge a book by its cover! Even though... the point of a cover... is for you to judge the book... anyways.) They're pretty typical in their behaviour for the most part, but they're always with a special book-- the novel they came from. They can often be found asking others to read it, as all Chiivae have one thing they fear the most: being forgotten. If you're interested in learning more, this page has you covered. There's also a little more information 

Alright, that's cool and all, but...

How do I get my ticket?
Standard MYO event requirements, really. Obviously, read the species info so you actually know what you're getting.

To claim a regular MYO, you just need to join the world and the Discord server. That's all. Being active in the Discord server is appreciated, though.

If you'd like to upgrade your ticket to FORGOTTEN, in addition to the requirements above, make a bulletin linking to this event and tag a couple friends (2-3) that you think might be interested. If you want to tag more, go ahead! The more the merrier :3c

Even if you don't want to make a forgotten character (since they are very different in design requirements and that might not be your thing), you can still make the bulletins and tag people if you want to since it does help out a lot! Forgotten tickets are capable of creating regular characters.

If you'd like to upgrade your ticket to CROSSBREED, make a donation to Wikipedia of at least $5 USD. Obviously, provide proof you have done so. Yes, donate... I don't need your money for anything myself, haha.

(Yes, crossbreed tickets CAN be used to create forgotten characters and regular characters. No, they don't actually need to be crossed with another species. It's more-or-less a "do whatever" kind of pass.)

Obviously, don't leave the World or the Discord. There's no expiration date to any tickets acquired.

Thank you and happy reading!


Requested 2 join the world n joined the server !! im potatoe :]

these look rlly cool :o


thank u !!!

This user is not visible to guests.


Do these tickets expire? 

here's the bulletin , my discord is ℂᥲᥒd𝕪ᶜꮻꭺꭲꭼ𝔻 ℍᥱᥲrtᴮꭱꭼꭺ𝕂#8595

sent a request to join the world

snuffpuppie kissies GL00M BonesandBovines 

think you'll be interested in this <3 

they don’t expire, don’t worry!


hope i'm not too late aa
joined world and discord !! (fluffuwu#0615)
bulletin link
taffyta TengokuLight HEARTBREAK (sorry for the pings ><)

sent !!

Requested to join the world, and joined the discord! (ZoeLikesToDraw#1178)

sent !!

This user is not visible to guests.

sent!! :3c

This user is not visible to guests.

Requested to join the world + joined the discord! (Saturn#9938)


Apologies for not replying immediately!!

Regardless, thank you!!! 💕💕💕💕💕

AHH no worries haha i mean i didn't send the ticket immediately-- no need to be urgent !

no problem nonetheless :3c

Done !! (SnowCaku#9940)

I tagge the people in the bulletin bc i saw it on amino first 😭👌

sent !!

sent !!

Joined both! (Discord: SleepyLuca #4604)


Tags (sorry for buggin you guys :’>): zzu_romyyu CritterBones

sent !

Yay thank you so much! :D

Already in the world + joined the discord !! (heartmuffinz#5888)

Tags ;; cherii windowGarbage druplet ^o^

sent !!

requested to join and joined the discord! (tomato#0435)

sent !!

joined the world a while back and i'm in the discord server :)! (sweetiscticx#5847)

sent !

tysm !!

Joined the world, and discord server. I come up as Mira in there!

sent !

Thank you so much! I really love the concept of this CS. I'm not a huge fan of CS in general, but these definitely grabbed my interest. I also like how profits go to Wikipedia.  

of course!~ i feel the same way haha :3c

This user is not visible to guests.

sent !!

This user is not visible to guests.

sent !

This user is not visible to guests.


This user is not visible to guests.

thank u ! :3c

Joined the world and the discord (suisalty#6307), bulletin here,  killlr0t haydxnmarie (soz for ping but you might be interested ^^)

sent ! :3c

oooh yay i'd love to make a pal for my lonely old chiivae from back before the species rework! ToT 

violetskiies pumpkin-yoqurt ayo again B) sorry


sent your ticket ! :3c

Could I get a ticket? I joined the world a while ago and I just joined the discord!

Edit - I have 2 questions, 1st, could you have multiple Chiivaes from the same book? (If we get multiple MYOs ofcourse) and 2nd, could you many conjoined twins or regular twins with 1 MYO or would you have to have 2? (I have a idea for a OC if I get a ticket)



1. yep! of course :D

2. since they're still two separate even if conjoined, you'd need two tickets, sorry!

I got it, and that’s fine, I was just wondering. Also is it possible to get a leaflet? If so would I have to pay something or does it come with the character? (I might be able to pay something but not completely sure)

leaflets are additional, they're a $3 usd donation to wikipedia :'3 sorry

It’s fine! Maybe I’ll consider buying one if I could °v°

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sent ! :3c

Already joined the world and discord! MY discord tag is Meowna#0399~ No friend but I still made a bulletin <3
