Public Blacklist

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by ReelFunProductions

I thought this was something I would never have to do, but here we are... a public blacklist.

I am always willing to unblock and / or contact certain blacklisted users to see if we can come to a compromise.  
Some people have done inexcusable things and I wish to have no contact with, and they WILL NOT be un-blacklisted.

If caught selling or trading ANY of my designs to any users here, you will be blacklisted and any designs YOU own from me will be revoked.

If you are following any of these users and supporting their work after being aware of what they did, you'll likely meet a similar fate of being here.

Most of these people on my blacklist are the same as s1g-f1g and zerodrawn. Thank you to all of you for making a list of a bunch of the icky people on this site!

(Most of these are copied and pasted from their personal blacklists which can be found here: and I can't find Bee's atm)

Everyone is under the spoiler

ThistleArts - Sold a F2U base for in-game currency, stolen artwork:

Caektoppre  - Sold a character with NSFW images to two minors (Bunkins / b1ush-pup) who weren't aware of the 18+ content included. The user had no 18+ warning until Bunkins and Eros confronted them for it, then posted about it as if the minors were in the wrong. Whitewashed a char they bought from Maws that was black coded, and is known for scamming.

FruiitTart /  EggTart - Homophobic and transphobic, called hormone blockers and kids dressing in drag "child abuse," and continued to say they disagree with LGBTQ+ people.

Wilburghostz / b-side - Forgave C4TTL3's actions to them and only them, befriending them again on da and acted all buddy buddy , joked about being said person [who is basically an abuser] , and by acting so weirdly friendly around them actively ignoring their horrible actions and everyone they had hurt just to get back their old friendship. Temporarily blacklisted until I decide they've changed in this regard or cut contact with the user in question.

C4TTL3 (th) / petriicor (da) - scamming, stealing, lying, harassment, suicide baiting, guilt tripping, etc, uncomfy around them, extremely horrible to a lot of people who never got a genuine apology and posted about enjoying lying to his friends and making them stressed out

Dee/Duckiepaws/Pretzelbitez/nachos - Years of history scamming and being a toxic person to a dear friend of mine, also super young yet aware of their behaviour and continually repeats these actions, wish to avoid

Lettucemaster05 / Leavit2Me - Made homophobic comments on Sig's pride related post and is a generally uncomfortable person to talk to. Blacklisted until shown their views and attitude has changed on this matter.

Crocodiller/Bumbabee - Acted weirdly obsessive over certain artist's designs and their friends, guilt trippy and overall makes me uncomfortable about how they treat others, scammed people out of designs, lied about my gf behind her back when she got involved, blacklisted by HoneyBeest for being homo/transphobic, harassed a suicidal kid into leaving th, really gross and obsessive over certain designers stuff and just do not want to interact.

GoldenMaws - Spoke against neopronoun rant/argued in comments, blocked OP, s*icide baited:

Keteknikal / fritzikaals / Tek - Admitted to sending anonymous death threats and stalking / harassing Bunkins. []


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