Going away for a while :/

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by GalacticJaguar

tldr: uni + work + driver's license = no time, no life

It feels a little weird writing this as if I'm anyone important lol

I have been inactive for some time now, because life has been a little hectic for for me so I'll make a bulletin for any unsuspecting passerby

The thing is, I'm currently getting out of bed 06:30 and going to sleep at 12:00. I have aroud three hours of free time, two od those in a bus to uni, so i sleep. So the only real time i have is during midday and whenever i finish my job fo the day.

I'm tired and I have no time to draw anymore. I'm trying to draw on my phone bue the quality is not near my normal art; I wanted to continue participating in groups and events... but I honestly can't. I also don't draw much during weekends because I'm studing Graphic Design, so I have to stay hours a day drawing school stuff (on the plus side I'm getter way better in anatomy yay!) 

>>If i owe you something PLEASE let me know<<

I'll not enter in details, but I'm changing my medication rn and my memory has gone out of the window for the time being, so just shoot a dm and I'll try my best to resolve everything! I'll try to be active at leat every week, so even If i dont respond immidietly I will do it!

I'll still post some characters, but they'll have no design for the time being, so expect a bunch of walls of text desperetly trying to explain their appearence. Might start using bases again.

That's all folks! Have a lovely week ^^


You take care! That's a lot of responsibilies, so that's very understandable not having the time to art.

Would love to see your art again once life gets less crazy busy for you, but no rush whatsoever!

Thanks! Yeah I miss drawing a lot, now I just have a pages-long document with drawign ideas lol

Get some rest and take as long as you need for yourself!

Thanks ^^