Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by SpringSprouts

doing five digitally painted bust commissions! FCFS.

Currently 4/5 open!

Normal(symmetrical): 500 points/5$ paid through a DeviantArt widge!
Unsymmetrical(colours): 700 points/7$ paid through a DeviantArt widge!
Extras(accessories such as collars and flowers, etc): +100 points/1$ paid through a DeviantArt widge per extra!

Normal, symmetrical option is for cats with completely symmetrical designs or with just some small details different!
Unsymmetrical colours are when two sides of the bust are completely different, this is expensive due to having to take minimum 2 days if I work 9 hours per day.
Extras are accessories!

Digital painting takes time, DO NOT argue about prices, this will put you on a blacklist.
Do not beg if slots have run out or if I do not want to accept, I have decisions over who I draw and how much I draw!
If rejected, it doesn't mean you can't re-submit with another character!

Extras?(yes/no, if yes, what extras?):
Fur length(none, short, medium, long, etc.):
Fur texture(straight, wavy, curly, etc.):
Personality(brief description):
Reference sheet(if not digital, do not think colours will be perfect.):

EXAMPLE: (normal with no extras)


May I reserve a spot? I’d 110% love one, I’m just at work right now and don’t have the time to make the form just yet! <3

absolutely! I'll note it down as four slots left, fill the form when you have the time! <3

I’m so sorry, I got caught up with work again lmao— if you’re still accepting forms for these, here’s mine! 

Kind: Normal, I believe!
Extras: None! If you want to add a flower or two though I’ll happily pay extra!
Fur Length: Short / medium; but very long in her mane / neck!
Fur Texture: Straight and soft, wavy in her mane / neck though!
Personality: A little self-centered— she’s beautiful and she knows it. Kind and compassionate, flirty with the right cat. Comes off as pompous and “better than everyone else” but is actually really charismatic and caring once you get past the fact she needs to look her best, 110% of the time.
Reference Sheet: Clicky

aaa I am so sorry, I have moved my commissions to a carrd and I'm currently only accepting payment through paypal!
You can find the carrd here: SpringSprouts painting commissions

No, that’s more than alright! If you’re still willing to do this one I’m happy to pay via PayPal! <3

sure sure! I'll get to this one after finishing the person in front of you!

finished a lot faster than I thought! You can pay here: https://paypal.me/LynnLohrmann?country.x=NO&locale.x=en_US

2 Replies