Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by drakkula
Coming at you with a few updates, just so you guys have a little insight into what’s been going on in my world! I also like writing down my thoughts as it helps provide me with some clarity/sense of direction. Ignore this if you want, it’s not massively important, but might be worth a read if you’re interested in my characters and the likes!


I’ve actually been working on this “Toyhouse revamp” for quite some time now, but recently I’ve become more determined to actually finish this little project. This revamp comes with a number of tasks that need to be completed:

- Giving all my characters matching icons
- Complete the coding/profiles of all my characters
- Updated galleries, i.e. uploading any old artwork I find
- Giving all my characters new, updated reference sheets

Obviously this means I’ll be posting a lot from now on - I’m genuinely sorry for spam in advance! I know how overwhelming it can be to log onto this site and find like 94 notifications in your inbox. But it’ll be worth it, I hope, if it means my page can be neat and pretty B”^)


Revamping my Toyhouse also means getting rid of characters/storylines that are not in use. Some of you may remember “Hammerheart”, the Viking story I was playing around with a little while ago. I have decided to move its lore and its characters to my storage account, as I currently have no vision for the project. THIS IS NOT AN INVITATION FOR PEOPLE TO MAKE OFFERS ON THE CHARACTERS OR RIGHTS TO THE STORY. I am simply putting it on hold for now, as I don’t have any ideas for it - but once (or if) inspiration strikes, I will move it back to my main account.

It’s a real shame that I’ve had to put it on hold, cos I was very happy with the worldbuilding (and also very happy to have an excuse to make more Viking characters), but felt no genuine connection with any of the characters and their story lines. Simply put, I’d rather start work on it again when I have some characters and ideas I’m genuinely passionate about.


I won’t be doing so just yet, but I will also be putting more characters up for offers in an effort to declutter my page. I want to at least try doodle an icon or something for these unused characters just before I put them in my sales folder, so I can test my connectivity with them. I will most likely take art offers on the majority of them, but there a handful that come with no additional art and can therefore only be resold for the same price I got them for - I will have to take point offers for these ones. So be on the lookout for that in the near future!

I’m pretty certain I’ve said my piece for now. TL;DR - all these updates are along the lines of me revamping my TH, which means spam and more characters for sale pfft.

Frankie out.


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Ah I’m glad to hear! And thank you! 👀

noted! thank you