YES Toontown RP HUH

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by LadyFry456

AIGHT, no more stupid setbacks and procrastination: 


I got a generator for RP ideas right here!

Lemme know ur character and let's get it! 

take that shadster😈


Lol take that dee


Took ya long enough ya nerd🥸

tries to get and 's attention

That's what I got in the generator lol. I feel like cleo would fit that XD

Ok so Clarice !

Lol hold on lemme use the generator bc I still gotta generate my oc


we got!!

And the scenario is.. PFFFt

Oh boy. Work. Does a royalty work XD. Let's do a maid Cafe for her work. 

Owo so Cleo as a maid at a cafe?? Valid😙

U start or me?

Owo so Cleo as a maid at a cafe?? Valid😙

U start or me?

95 Replies

I put Pepper and Zippy in and I laughed at this
"Pepper has to pick up Zippy from the police station."
Zippy once again in trouble for using outlawed tactics against cogs


DUDE, I got the same scanario for another person with my oc!! whats up with the police shit being chosen?? lmaooo

hold on lemme try and do the generator lool

AYY lookit that!! :D

I RLY WANNA DO THSI i just.. am so bad at rp and keeping up with it T_T do you have a discord? :o it might be easier for me to keep up with it if we try it there!

Agghhh im sorry! im not comfy with DM/private RPS anymore.. ;_;

I wannas try and keep up this time tho! The generator is a good thing to help us with an idea!! :D

OH no worries! i didnt know about that <:) id love to do that here then if ur ok with it! are you okay if we start with theoreticals? like talking abt how they would act and stuff beforehand, or talk a bit about the potential relationship between the characters before engaging w the plot generator in roleplay? or would we treat that as just how they meet? sorry for all the questions

Oh to be honest I don’t know how that will work and because I don’t know what character I’m going to use I might have to randomize that oof. But as for the way they would act you can always look on the bios of my ocs and probably assume how they would act.😆

yea that makes sense, we can randomize what characters!! how do you usually go about roleplaying exactly :o ?

Nicee!! Well I mean, rping is just us going back in forth with our scenarios and stuff and conversating if that makes sense...? sry im bad at explaining this lol

6 Replies