Welcome to the first Poffin Special MYO Slot Sale! 

Please take a moment to carefully read over the information below before claiming, and don't hesitate to any questions or pop into the Discord!

A Special Poffin Slot allows you near total freedom when designing your Poffin, so if you've had some wild ideas you'd like to make real, this is the time! <3 Special slots ALSO allow for the creation of Crossbreeds with other closed species! (Please note: To make a crossbreed, you must have the correct rarity slot + permission from the other cs!)

You can check out some existing Special Poffins and Crossbreed Poffins on our Masterlist!

There are a total of 10 slots available for 25$ each!
The first 5 slots will be FCFS and the other 5 will be a 24 raffle sale

For the raffle, you will have 24 hours to enter and then 5 users will be drawn and allowed to purchase the remaining slots!
(These are all paid slots, not a free raffle.)



- By purchasing, you are agreeing to occultluxury's ToS and the Poffins ToS.
- You must create an account on the Poffins Website so we can transfer the slot to you. 
- The site is currently experiencing an error, slots will be uploaded to ToyHouse by occultluxury. Do not delete these uploads!
- One slot may be claimed per person.
- Payment is via PayPal invoice in USD.
- Email for invoice must be provided within 24 hours of a claim being confirmed or we will move onto the next claim!
- All payments must be made within 24 hours of receiving the invoice.
- Serious claims only! Any false claims may result in blacklisting.
- Species Information + Designing & Editing Info + Species Discord


Reply to this comment to enter the 24 hour raffle sale (5 total)!

Reply to this comment to claim a FCFS slot (5 total)!

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