Look I know I JUST did one of these bulletins yesterday and I prOMISE THIS ISN'T GUNNA BE A REGULAR THING and you've prOBABLY seen a dozen of these journals already jUST HEAR ME OUT WAIT DON'T G

(Head on over here to find out what the heck I'm talking about!! This species looks Incredibly Spooky and Cool though can you entirely blame me) 


this may be a goofy ass question BUT what's a myo event................................... :'-)

That is an INCREDIBLY valid question my friend and I Do Not blame you for asking because for the longest time I had nO clue why people were speaking in hieroglyphics sometimes

CS = Closed Species, and MYO = Make Your Own! Through me jumping through some hoops on fire, dancing on one foot, making a bulletin, doing several other things they ask for, and tagging a friend- I receive a "Make Your Own" slot for a closed species! :D The group I mentioned above just opened, and they're making a free "Make Your Own" event to advertise and get more people interested!