OTA Scarflower #04 / Destiae #01 & #02

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Weinineko


Destiae #01 | Scarflower #04 | Destiae #02

Species : Scarflower / Destiae

Hello, some new designs on offer.
The Destiae are a new idea of closed species, it's the same species as my little Jing Xing, I will try to publish the species info soon.
I will present rapidly the idea : The Destiae are birds of fate, they can rewrite the destiny of people with their quills. They have jewels
embedded in their bodies. They own a owl form.

Note : For my design, you can make the closed species a one-off without the CS associated with them, just send me a message before but you
can't remake them into a closed species unless you own a slot.

Priority : $ > Art / Design
Payment via Paypal only
Owner will receive the file without watermark and the transparent file.
You can't resell it for more than you bought it; you can include price of commissioned art.
Can be traded, gifted, co-owned.  Inform me when and to whom you sold/traded/gifted the adopt.


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