ProtoNet MYO slot tracker

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by ProtoMasterlist

How to use tracker

ProtoNet MYO tracker functions to track down off used and transfer tickets to avoid ticket loss and misusage. When rejoin as returner, please be honest to avoid double log. It's encouraged to notify your old username to prevent unwanted warning.

IMPORTANT: Please notify admins if you change ToyHouse username to keep the log up to date. Any failed transfer and the like will make the transaction finish longer by giving admins a hard time.

There are three types of MYOs: FTO, paid, and event.
FTO MYOs, paid MYOs, and event MYOs are separated by usage and time limit. FTO and paid MYOs don't have time limit but event MYOs have varied deadline.
MYOs obtained from first time owners (FTO) will be tracked automatically by admins to track which members are new and which are returning.
For paid MYOs you need to register yourself.
For limited time MYOs, if you happen to missed the deadline, you'll get an additional 30 days to redeem the ticket by drawing any the mascots at least clean colored halfbody, backgrounds and props are optional. When removing the deadline, make sure to finish the art before the design else your design will be considered unofficial until you get to remove the time limit. Once you get the deadline removed you can register to MYO tracker.

When logging multiple paid tickets, please separate each tickets on different comments for easier log. This will also help for faster response.

When you want to approve a design with the ticket, link the tracker on the form. When approved admins will reply with "USED - [link]" on the tracker. Please let admins to do this for better log purpose. MYO designs should be done on Discord group on "#MYO-design-approval" channel.

Keep in mind that the 5 FTO Common MYOs cannot be transfer to other users to prevent hoards. You can only trade or gift it (no resell, may change) once you have a design but you won't get another ticket back so choose your action wisely.
Paid MYOs can be sell, trade, and gift to other users no matter how many MYOs they have. If you wish to keep the resell status when giving to other user, notify "paying for [user]" when purchasing.
Event MYOs (with or without a design) can only be trade or gift to prevent treating ProtoNet as trade fodder. You can try to negotiate with admins to give permission to sell for monetary/Bit but only 30% chance admins will let you.

MYO Slot Navigation

MYO Slot Registration

MYO registration

Registering MYO can only be done with current owner/paying customer unless you have someone else to pay.

MYO type: [Paid/Redeem from event]

Date redeemed: [When you bought it or when the deadline removed]

Redeem proof: [Link/screenshot to payment or redeem proof]

Owner: [Your TH name unless you're giving it to someone else]

MYO ownership transfer

If you want to gift/trade/sell your MYO ticket, make sure to reply the form under the tracker. This can only be done when you're the current owner. You cannot ask other user in your stead.

MYO link: [Link to the tracker]

Purchase proof: [The link where you first purchased]

Current owner: [Your TH username, make sure to have use the same name]

New owner: [TH username]

Transfer value: [Gift/trade/sell, detailed information is optional]


Redeemed Event MYO slot tracker

If you able to redeem your event tickets to remove the deadline, register them here. Members required to log their redeemed MYO instead of admins.

Paid MYO slot tracker

Purchased MYOs required to be registered by members who purchase it. for paid MYOs, admins will not automatically log

FTO MYO slot tracker

Upon introducing yourself on Discord group and joining ToyHouse world, admins will register your five FTO Common MYOs here. Look for your name here.