Boundary meme

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by ReelFunProductions

Gently took this meme from zerodrawn

🟩 - yep! 🟥 - nope! 🟨 - eh!

Asking to be friends - 🟩 Absolutely!

Character Links - 🟩 You can link with anyone. Mascots can be linked with my mascot, truesonas can be linked with my truesona, so on and so forth.

Voice Chatting - 🟨 Only if you're really close with me and I'm comfortable with you

Pictures of myself - 🟥 NOPE

Art Inspiration - 🟨 I don't mind, just...don't straight up copy or heavy reference

Design Inspiration - 🟨 I don't mind, just...don't straight up copy or heavy reference

Co-owns - 🟨 friends only

Asking to offer - 🟩 You can offer on anyone outside of my primaries and mascot.
                             🟥 If you offer on my primaries/mascot you get an instant BL unless you have been given explicit permission.

Pings - 🟨 Friends/mutuals only

Dreamie Folders - 🟩 totally don't mind, if it's a character I've lost connection with, I may just straight up transfer it to you

DMs - 🟩 You can DM me any time, both on TH and discord

Trades (art + design) - 🟩 absolutely for art trades, but 🟨 friends/mutuals only for design trades

Gift art - 🟩 go ham I love art of my characters


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