Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by drakkula

EDIT: Now taking all currencies!

For those of you who saw my status teasing a new YCH last night, don’t worry, I will get round to posting that as soon as I can. But in the meantime, I am incredibly pleased to announce that I will now be taking PayPal as a form of payment!

I will be testing the site out with some shaded headshot commissions - examples shown below.

47973939_Ppa1ZfxFsfbxeZy.png 47942715_1tQhEjbYKIDPGFn.png

THESE WILL BE £10 EACH!! Or whatever the equivalent may be in other currencies.

SLOTS: (1 slot per person please!)


YOOO CONGRATS!! you deserve so much more than just points for you work - i'd love to order one, but my payday aint until Tuesday!! If a slot can be reserved that long or if your comms are still open by then, I'd be more than happy to grab one! Do you have any thoughts of what you're planning to charge for a fullbody commission once they open?

Thank you, I appreciate the kind words! And absolutely I can do that! As for full body prices, I’m still unsure. I’m putting together a new comm form, and you can have a look at the prices I’m thinking of now - however, these prices are not necessarily final, as I’d like to do a poll and make sure the majority of my following are happy with the prices! https://toyhou.se/9898180.regular-art-comms-closed-/15657573.new-prices

your prices look good so far!! I'd be very interested in purchasing a fullbody when I get paid, assuming paypal comms are open by then!

Hi! Just wanted to let you know in case you were still interested - I am happy to take your comm on, but I do have a lot of irl stuff going on that just came up, so it may take me a little while to get round to finishing it :”D Hope that’s alright with you!

OH SNAP yes im still interested sorry a lot of IRL stuff made it slip my mind! Are they still headshot commissions only or would you be willing to do a chibi orr halfbody? I am okay with either!

Ayoo, given that I’m only doing one, I think I’d be down to do a full body or chibi 👀

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