“Can I?” Q&A !! ☆

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by TRICK2NIGHT

1e59087c98a3ad1fa415dd35275ace48d394b147☆ can i be your friend?

Sure! I don’t rlly mind lol. I am busy a lot and I’m not the best with replies but I wouldn’t mind being friends as long as you aren’t too clingy. I don’t consider someone a friend right away, and sometimes I do, it’s confusing to me ! (>_<;;)

☆ can i link ocs?

Sure! But only with ppl I‘m mutuals/friends with, feel free to ask igg

☆ can i ask to hear your voice or get in a call?

UHMMM I don’t do this with people I just met or hardly have talked with, calls are iffy with me and I only ever do them with people I’m really friends with. It takes time for me to warm up to ppl in order to call ;; I only do this thru discord btw. 

☆ can i ask to see pictures of you?

no ! only close friends. 

☆ can i take art inspiration?

Sure !! just don’t completely trace my art or copy it 

☆ can i take design inspiration?

ermmm not really! as long as it isn’t based off specific characters of mines or completely copied off a design of mines! color picking is okay tho idc !

☆ co-owns?

I don't do co-ownerships. Only with friends if they’d like!

☆ can i ask for pings?

Yes you can! But I prefer a dm over a comment on the character’s profile. 

☆ can i ask to offer?

Yes you can! Strictly only on characters in the uft folder or the other characters folder. 

☆ can i put your character in my dreamie folder?

Yes! it makes me rlly happy seeing ppl like my designs/characters in general hahah 


//Saw this thingy go around & I wanted 2 do it too hahah 


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