
Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by imnessie

Idk how old all u guys are but please let me know if it’s ok to come up in your messages like ‘BITCH GUESS WHAT’ 

Because like

I want to curse but it feels like there so many children on here and I don’t  k n o w  if it’s ok to ahhh


insert screenshot of the its okay you can swear fish tumblr post

Thank you

I am relieved 😌 

Lmao I'm 25, you can swear toward me if you want

Hahaha ok cool, I just get the impression that every one I talk to is younger than me and I feel bad if I do hahaha 

Yeah, I get that! The internet is a weird place

Yes indeed, very strange hahaha, I’m glad you understand :))