Hey hey read pls //closed

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by imnessie

I found this super cute chibi base on Pinterest forever ago, but it didn’t link back to the creator of the base, so I’ve never used it, but after a lot of digging, I found it!! So I wanna use it!!

The link to what the base looks like is here, so let me draw your babies! 

I’ve been in a mood where I really don’t want to draw my own characters for some reason?? Idk why, ‘cause I usually prefer to draw my own characters, but I don’t right now. 

Anyways! comment on this bulletin or message me a character of yours to draw ahhhh (i’ll only do a few...)


Her maybe?

Sure!! I can do that ;))

Thank you!!!

Looks great! Thank you!

Ahhh I’m glad you like it!!


Babe y e s I shall 

Ohh maybe one of my kiddos https://toyhou.se/Rumby/characters/order:favs ?

I’d love too! Is it ok if I draw Charity? I love her color palette :)

Yes of course!!! I'm glad she interests you into drawing her~

I look forward to how she turns out *p*

asljdfs;fjs; Thank you for drawing Charity she is absolutely adorableeeeeeee

Ahhh I’m glad you like it!!!

Maybe Astraea or Morphine?

I love antlers sm I’d love to draw Morphine if that’s cool!! I’ll get started on it soon!

Ah, I'd really love to see Marnie in that base if she catches your interest? You're welcome to look through my humans, or any of my characters really, to see if there's someone else you'd rather draw.

Thanks for the chance <3

Ahhhh yes I’d love to draw her!! Imma eat then get started on it ;)

Great, thank you! <3

You did a great job, she looks adorable!!! Thank you so much <3

Ahhh I’m happy you like it! I was so scared I butchered her ahhhhhhhhh hhh h h hhh

You 100% didn't, and I'm really glad to have more art of her!

Ahhhh ok good! I’m so glad :)))