Artist Boundary Trend ✿ ✤ ☘

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Flipside

▶ Can I be your friend?  

Sure, why not! Only requirement to be my pal is to just understand I'm exhausted and very slow to reply to our chat tag conversations. As long as you get that we'll get along great! Because I have such limited energy I usually spend all my social time in my discord server; Cloverse Discord Server! So please join the chat and hang out with us if you want to get to know me more. C: Plus you might find out you don't like me as much as you first thought which is totally cool too, it's all about the experiences! You never know what you might encounter in new social circles.

▶ Can I link ocs?

What does link ocs mean? Like here on Toyhouse? I don't really like/use that feature myself because I can't seem to remove them from older trades. TT wTT; So please avoid linking my ocs.

BUT if you mean "can I DM you and share ocs with you" I absolutely love that and encourage it. I might be slow to reply but I try my best to keep up! Getting new art/ocs/whatever is awesome to hear about!

▶ Can I take art inspiration? 

Wait, do people NOT take art inspiration?! That's silly! Of course you can. I guess all I can really mention is try to be respectful of the OP designers? Some of them can be pretty picky about others "taking inspo" but honestly just experiment. Have fun. There's no hard rules as long as you're not copying anyone directly/intentionally. Everything has been drawn, everything already exists. Art is just a way to communicate ourselves in a physical form and that's pretty amazing. So don't be afraid to create, MAKE MORE ART!

▶ Can I take design inspiration? 

Oh, I didn't read this question before answering above. UHH It's a bit from before, but like... Just make more designs. Trust me, when you first start out everything looks like a bad copy of something. But just KEEP TRYING, KEEP GOING! Make 100 designs, not just one! You will get better at reading inspiration and transforming it into your own works. So please, keep at it. C:

▶ Can I ask about co-owns?

Oh I don't like or do co-owns. Always messy between people and others who wanna sell/trade their "share". I do co-own with some very close personal friends who I trust with my ocs since we build them together/rp them. But other than that, nah I avoid co-owns.

▶ Can I ask for pings? 

I don't do pings because I just simply own too many characters annnnnd I usually don't like to let them go that often. Haha, BUT my suggestion here is to just comment "I LOVE THIS CHARACTER, Can I have a ping?!" on the character itself. I'll just leave the comment there so.. We know who might be interested if they ever go up for sale/trade/what have you! C: So yeah as long as I'm not expected to manually keep track of it, I'm cool with these ping comments on my ocs.

▶ Can I put your character in my dreamie folder?

Oh absolutely. I own a LOT OF DREAMIES MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! Favorite folders are just for you and your thoughts. You shouldn't have to worry what people think about adding fav designs to folders. That's just out of their reach and silly. Nothing to do with them. So you just organize to your lil heart desires! It doesn't affect me at all!


just wanted to let u know that if u go to a character or your links tab > click the red trashcan icon, it'll delete a link !! it also doesnt notify the other person i think? so u should be good to delete old links from traded ocs and such!

Oh my gosh thank you ; ;
