Name: Ram !! I go by Ram + another name irl but idk if I wanna share that lmao

Nicknames: Call me whatever you want! I find myself going for Rammie though, I think it's cute !! :D You can also call me by my user, or just Miner!

Age: 17,,, so old, I know

Height: 4'11,,, I know, shut up

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Any pets?: Yes! My family currently has a dog (a boxer!) and four cats! I'm also hoping to get a couple of rats when I can!

Fun fact: I'm hyperfixated on rats !!

----Identity and Personality----

Gender Identity: Here's your warning that I enjoy labels !! I mainly consider myself nobinary, but I'll also say trans or transmasc work too! I have also briefly considered genderfaun or genderfaunet and then very quickly shoved that under the rug in my brain and haven't thought of it again until now,,, I dunno though lmao

Pronouns: He !!! They ! She is also okay as long as you aren't a completely stranger, but he and they are preferred! I have also considered some neos but am a coward and I don't know how I really feel since nobody has ever tried them out on me so,, ?? I don't know, if you wanna help you're more than welcome lol

Sexual Orientation: More labels !!! Technically, I consider myself bisexual! But I also like to use queer because I feel like all of my attraction is in a gay way no matter who I'm attracted to, y'know? I also use mlm / nblm because I'm very much leaning towards men! I'll also call myself gay but don't really use it as a label as much?

Relationship Status: Single,,, currently may or may not have a big fat gay crush though,,,

Myers/Briggs Type: idk and I don't feel like finding out, sorry lol


Early Bird or Night Owl?: Early bird purely because I wake up at 5 everyday, though my ability to function really depends on the day lmao

Bath or Shower?: Shower !!

First thought in the morning: Probably something relating to something that happened in my dream or trying to remember it, or something like "oh my god my alarm" or 'I'm so tired I don't want to get up" lmao

Last thought before falling asleep: I usually fall asleep to like a video or something so maybe like a reaction to the video? Or thinking about my characters cause sometimes I'll work on them before bed and might fall asleep halfway through, or just about how I'm too tired or that it's so late


Do you work or are you a student?: Student mainly, but I also work at a barn + kid's camp!

What do you do well?: Hm hm I've been told I'm good with horses, teaching, and working with kids !! Also writing, and drumming!

----Habits (Do you...?)---

Drink: Water,,,, and may or may not have something else if I'm allowed,,

Exercise: Yeah! Gotta get those big man muscles y'know? When I have the time to, at least,,

Have a go-to comfort food?: I dunno for sure, but I eat a lot of the same meals lol

Have a nervous habit?: Considering the fact that I'm very neurodivergent,,, yes lmao, a lot of them! Some common ones I can think of are cracking my knuckles or just playing with my hands, or I'll like bite down so my teeth touch in different ways?

----What is your favorite...?----

Food?: I'm very indecisive but I love sushi, especially rice bowls with tofu omg

Drink?: I'm kinda basic cause I love water, but otherwise I'd say coke zero 100% or maybe coffee

Animal?: rats rats rats rats rats

Artist/Band/Group: I'm too indecisive on this omg but I love Lovejoy and Wilbur Soot

Video Games: Minecraft !!! Also Animal Crossing (New Horizons to be specific) and Minecraft Dungeons!

I've seen different ones include more or less info and idk what the original has but yeah, here you go !!


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