
Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by lemon-disco

Can I be your friend?

If you are 18+ It's possible.  I've got social anxiety and autism, and I'm an introvert by nature so one on one conversations can be hard for me.  Please don't take it personally if I don't end up messaging back, this is all something I'm trying to work on but some days are better than others.

Can I link ocs?

Only if they actually have something to do with each other hahahah

Can I ask to hear your voice or get in a call?

HAH.  No.  Wtf? xD

Can I ask to see pictures of you?

Probably not. 

Can I take art inspiration?

Sure idc.  It's kind of an honor when someone likes your art that much.  I do recommend trying to formulate your own style though.  There are already too many copy pastes in the art community. 

Can I take design inspiration?

I really wouldn't prefer it unless we talk about it first. 

Can I ask about co-owns?

Absolutely not.  I don't like co-owns. 

Can I ask for pings?

Sure but I can't guarantee any of my characters will ever go up for sale. 

Can I ask to offer?

No, sorry :(.

Can I put your character in my dreamie folder?

Sure as long as it's clear that I own the character :)

Can I dm/pm you?
If you're not a minor, sure :).


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hey i ummm... do u wanna... do u wanna be my friend    

