Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by SKOROZE

Need to get my mind somewhere else when I finish this school project SO, I'm offering slots for doodle art trades! They'll look like these:


Might indefinitely close this up if I don't feel like it since there's a LOT of stuff I gotta do, and I'm only doing this to entertain myself inbetween work so. Hope ya'll understand! (I can do colorless sketches too if that's what you're into, like these:)



Pspspspsp 👀 Oh btw I’m also busy too with prepping exams, so my part will most likely to look like this but colored :”)

AY!😳 Love your style man, let’s do it! >:)

You up for doing two characters each? (Your sample reminded me of a character pair I’d love art of, but if you’re on a tight schedule I won’t mind doing just one!)


And sure thing I can do a pair of 2 chars ^_^ Tho are u ok if u can draw 2 fulls instead? :0c

YUP that’s cool with me! ^^

You can choose from any of these guys!  (best friends / low key relationship, both are mellow people, hang around in school often.) (student-mentor(?) dynamic, Kat looks up to Techno, curious about everything he does. good music friends) (punk girlfriends, compliment each other. jess is the wannabe-cool awkward wreck, violet’s the deadpan level-headed one secretly amused by her company. (don’t use the sketchpage as reference though, i had no idea what i was doing at that point LOL)

SWAGS MAN!! I’ll go with Jess and Violet ^q^ Might as well use this opportunity to practice on drawing romantic interactions HEHEH >:)

Thinking abt it again, u can either draw these chars together or separated anyways :^D

Can u draw these two? :0c
(If u were to draw them together, they’re a dorky couple, so go ham with whatever prompt you think fits their energy :^])

OR these two??
(They’re just bros!! Undead bros!!! I don’t have a specific wardrobe for them, so you can pretty much draw them in whatever clothes you think fits them! For Botsu, if you plan on drawing him with his body scars exposed, a little heads up that his scar placements doesn’t have to be exact ^^)

Heheh good choice!! I somewhat had a feeling you'd go for the goth lovebirds LMAO XD

OOOO Pudding and Puppimorroll are ADORABLE!! The undead bros are really rad too! I'll probably draw whoever fits my mood at the time of drawing, but all of them are so cute!! Looking forward to drawing them ^^)7

I could try!


Could you draw this guy?

I can do this one!

Great, you can give me a character you want me to draw! :)

You could try these!

If you don't vibe with these, you can pick anyone else, really!

You got some real interesting guys!

I can do Fritz Stormwind, his concept sounds pretty cool. Otherwise I'll do Cedar!

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