OC Interview with Sam

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by SparkMaster37

Stole this from @foofyfaun

Using Sam


Part I: Let's Start at the Beginning...

1. What's your name?

The name's Sam.

2. Give me your full name...

Samson, Samson Gates.

3. Do you have a nickname? If yes, what is it and how did you come to have it?

I just go by Sam; it's nice and easy. SOMETIMES Sammy.

4. What species are you? (Human, werewolf, etc? Or are you an alien?)

Fox-person. Just look at this bushy tail!

5. Where/when were you born?

On April 14, 22 years ago, minutes after Mom popped out both my brothers.

6. I see. And that would make your age...?

Like I said, 22 years ago.

7. Okay, now...are you a good guy, or a bad guy?

I've been told I'm a "chaotic good". I'll take it. Takes chaos to make the world a better place sometimes, y'know?

Part II: Tell Us More About Yourself...

8. How would you describe your personality?

You can say I'm a punk rock stoner. I can't explain for shit.

9. Would you say you're someone who can handle pressure?

Eh more or less. Weed helps a lot. I don't give into peer pressure like I used to if that counts for shit.

10. Do you like to read?


11. Favorite color?

Green, the color of weed and my boyfriend's hair and bunny bits.

12. Do you get along with others?

That really depends. I can get along with people I can relate to. I have zero sympathy for nazis or any other bigoted fuck out there.

13. Do you have any enemies?

Any bigoted fuck is an enemy.

14. How about friends?
Hell yeah man, got plenty of those. My buddy Rina and I go way back to high school. Couldn't ask for a better wingman. Wing-woman? She's fucking great, and a talented guitarist too. 

15. Are you patient?


Part III: Hypothetically...

16. Suppose that you could become any creature you know of. What would you pick, and why?

A shapeshifter so I can become anything I want whenever I want.

17. One of your enemies in question 13 just complimented you. Response?

What the fuck? Are you serious?

18. One of your friends in Question 14 just insulted you. Response?

Playful insults happen, man. But Rina will call me out on my bullshit, make no mistake.

19. If you could change anything about yourself...
I change for nobody!!

20. About your home...

I share an apartment with my brother, Stan. Not too shabby; it's livable.

Part IV: Now We Get Personal

21. What're your parents like?

They're alright. We have our differences and shit, but they're not bad.

22. Do you have any siblings?

I have two older triplet brothers. Stan, I mentioned, lives with me. Great weed buddy. Jaden kind of does his own thing; shame he doesn't smoke weed, we'd make a lit trio. He's still cool, though.

23. What's your occupation?

I'm a barista, or baristo. I make coffee. I also play bass in my band, Pins N' Needles. You should check us out.

24. I see, that's a good job to have. Do you like it?

Eh, it's tolerable. My boss and coworkers are cool.

25. Are you seeing/dating anyone?

My boyfriend, Aaron. He's the sweetest and hella fun to get baked with. He's soft and sensitive; you mess with him, you'll catch these hands!!

26. Thinking about getting engaged, married, other?

Woah now, it's waaaay to early to be thinking about marriage!! We've only dated for a little bit. Though, if we're still together several years down the road, I'll consider marriage.

27. Tell us your biggest secret.

The thing about secrets is, you don't tell them to random strangers.

28. Your worst fear? You don't have to answer this one if you don't want to.

Honestly, I'm scared of hurting the people I care about, and losing them, especially Aaron. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I raised a hand to him.

29. Favorite food?

I love steak!! Medium rare.

30. Favorite drink?

Mango juice and coffee with a good creamer to go with it.

31. Tell us one thing you're the most proud of.

I'm proud that I have a kickass band with kickass bandmates!!

32. Something embarrassing? You don't have to answer this one, either.

Damn right I'm not gonna answer!!

33. If you didn't answer Questions 28 and/or 32, tell me why.
Didn't answer that last one because I don't wanna spill anything embarrassing. 

34. Is that a good reason?

I don't know, you tell me!!

Part V: Breaking the Fourth Wall
For these next few questions, I'll briefly remove the fourth wall between your world and your creator's. Try to remain calm.

35. Before I remove the fourth wall, tell me: would you be willing to accept the fact that you're actually a character?

A character? What?

36. Now the fourth wall's gone. Response?

I'm so confused!!

37. This is your creator's world. What's the first thing you notice?

Where the hell am I?! What did you do!? [Looks around my room in total shock and confusion.] This place is cluttered.

38. You just met your creator! First impression of him/her?

Sparky (me): [looks up from my laptop to see Sam standing in my bedroom.] "Holy shit! Holy shit!! SAM!? This has to be a dream!!"
Sam: [turns his attention to me, still confused] "How do you know my name?"
Sparky: "I created you."
Sam: [confused, turns to interviewer] "Are you trying to say that she's God or something?"

39. Okay, let's put the fourth wall back. See, that wasn't so bad, was it?

I don't know what the fuck just happened. I need my bong.

Part VI: Closing

40. Are you satisfied with your life?

I'd love for my band to get more recognition, maybe even make an album. Overall, I guess life is more or less good.

41. Anything you feel like you have to do? It can be something long-term, like a bucket list, or something you need to do right now.

Like I said, I'd like to get somewhere with my band. I don't want superstardom, or any of that overrated shit. I'm shooting for a cult following at best. I'd at least like for us to be well-known, have our music and lyrics reach people beyond local bar shows. I'd love to have my band on CDs, but I don't mind being more or less underground. Do you follow?

42. Any hobbies?

Play bass and smoke weed.

43. Quick, you get one wish! What did you just wish for? It's alright, you can tell me...

Legalize weed all over the world, hands down!!

44. How would you describe that wish? Good? Bad? Selfish? Selfless? Other?

I'd say I'm doing the world a favor by legalizing the safest, most beneficial plant ever. Don't ya know it cures cancer?

45. Have you been honest with these questions?


46. Your personal quote?

Blaze it, then glaze it.

47. Do you like change?

Only if it's a good and much needed change.

48. What's your most valued possession?

My bong and my bass.

49. Anything else you feel like sharing?

Go support my band, Pins N' Needles at [insert social media accounts].

50. Last question!...yup, that's it! How do you feel?
Ready for some bong rips. See ya.


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