sHOULD I GET DA AGAIN?????????????????

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by illidari_

da again or no oof

6 Votes yes
0 Votes nono


I wanna talk to some friends again and yeah
Should i?


wow seems like everyone wants me to

Ye, it’s a nice website. It’s one of the easier and nicer art sharing websites to use, and you can find a lot of good artists on there! 


its me, moon/wiinter

I know :0

Anyways, even though DA is trash, it’s definitely one of the better Art sharing websites, as there really isn’t many other good websites to go on to share art on other than DA...

You can also get a paigeeworld account. It’s one of the lesser known art sharing websites, but it’s really nice though. There’s hardly any drama on there and everyone’s really nice! You can also unlock tutorials on how to do stuff like draw/shade hair, and other stuff. 

However, you cant make journals, status updates, etc.,on it, and you can’t private message people. It’s also much harder to make friends there, and the search system is pretty bad imo.

oh pff
and yeah,, theres a good art community for Warcraft, but not wings of fire which sucks.
and ahh okay, thank you uwu
