Hello!!! to commissioners and people awaiting owed art/ for me to finish owed art, I'm currently attending a course that's very time consuming. I also got sick with a cold this weekend so progress will be slow for awhile. I've canceled an invoice that never got paid(lost interest?) and refunded one individual to lessen the load a bit. If you see me drawing other things and worry, what about my commission? please know that I will finish your piece! Making art relating to my interests brings me great joy which means good mental health! And good mental health makes me productive and motivated to draw. :^)

I haven't forgotten anyone, and if you're worried I might have please don't hesitate to contact me for reassurance!! I'd again like to thank everyone who has been so patient with me! I beat myself up a lot over being slow and unprofessional. Your kindness and patience means the world to me!! Ok that's it for now, thank you for reading. ;; <3


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