Fancy new site + Tumblr!

Posted 2 years, 9 days ago by Jovian

Considering the recent Twitter news, it was enough motivation for me to kick my own ass and make a new Tumblr, something which I've been meaning to do for a while.  This was just the final straw.  Lmfao.

Here it is!  Feel free to follow.  I'm going to have an introductory post up later today most likely, and will begin queuing things from my old blog to get it up to speed.  I want to use it primarily for my art and OC info, while my Twitter is more spur of the moment thoughts and liveblogging.

You may notice that it's connected to a custom URL; that's because I finally made use of the website URL I had been parking on (mostly for consistent image storage for my old comics).  I've never done anything custom with CSS before beyond tweaking themes other folks made, so this was actually pretty exciting, haha.  (And also one of the reasons it took me a while to make such a thing; it was very intimidating too...)

In the future, I would like the site to have its own about/contact/etc. pages instead of external links, but for now this serves its purpose.


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