my work week has been unbelievably stressful. I work in uhhhhhhhhhhh vet medicine and it’s been puppy/parvo season and I’m pretty burnt out. My budget is $150, I’d love it if someone drew Any of the following characters from these folders. Just tell me your prices and I’ll pay upfront!


DO YOU THINK I CAN 👀 commission you for a sketch page of this character

hell yeah you can !! :> just toss payment to !

would you rather it be nice and polished, or have more sketches / more fluid poses?


I would love to have sketchy, more fluid poses!!!!! If you need a little character description, he’s basically evil van helsing who hunts peaceful monsters, he also “adopted” a monster centipede  (‘he murdered the centipedes parents lmao) he’s just an edgy dude 

oke !! i will get you added to the queue :> and tysm for the tip!!

I FORGOT TO ASK LIKE 4 DAys ago but can I have a link to the queue!!!! I couldn’t find it here or on Twitter but I may be blind 

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