art trades hehe? (open!)

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by enigmew

helllo gamers, i know my audience is pretty small at the moment, but i'm curious if anyone would be interested in art trades!!!

i've been working on a lot of sketching and design stuff so i wanted to do something proper and detailed! im feeling like trying out my effect heavy, painty, or simpler kind of art styles, let me know if you have a preference :3

lately i would like art of winifred or perennial but if any of my other characters interest you, i won't say anything against it! 

i'll let you know if i'm up to drawing your character! thank you in advance <333



HELLO QUEEN MORROWS JUBILEE ESQUIRE yes trade with me :3 do you care who you draw because im excited to see either winnie or pere in your art style!!! who do you want me to draw, and do you have a preference in art style? :3